

Apple Watch是传统制表业劲敌.

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  著名的斯沃琪手表的联合创始人艾尔玛o默克说,Apple Watch可能将导致瑞士钟表制造商遭受重创。他对彭博社表示:“苹果公司很快就会取得成功,这将给瑞士的传统制表业带来巨大压力。”详细请看下面的双语信息:

  Mock said he believes the Apple could sell 20 million to 30 million Apple Watch units yearly. Alltold, Switzerland exported 28.6 million watches last year, according to Bloomberg. “Anything inthe price range of 500 francs to 1,000 francs is really in danger,” Mock said. “I do expect an IceAge coming toward us.”

  莫克表示,他认为苹果公司每年可以卖出2,000万至3,000万只Apple Watch。据彭博社统计,去年瑞士腕表出口总量为2,860万只。默克称:“价格在500至1,000瑞士法郎的产品都将面临危险。我似乎看到一座冰山正迎面袭来。”

  The Apple Watch ranges in price from $349 for entry-level models to $17,000 for the mostexpensive luxury version, Apple announced Monday. The Apple Watchwill begin shipping onApril 24, with a preview and presale period starting April 10. Despite Mock’s estimates, it’s stillunclear how many Apple Watch units the company will actually sell. Analysts’ guesses areranging from 8 million on the low end to 41 million on the high end, with the spread owing to alack of data about the still-embryonic smartwatch market.

  苹果公司在周一宣布,Apple Watch基本款的价格为349美元,最高档的版本售价为17,000美元。AppleWatch将于4月24日开卖,预售期从4月10日开始。尽管默克给出了这样的预测,但目前外界并不确定苹果公司将出售多少Apple Watch。分析师猜测Apple Watch的销量将达到800万至4,100万,之所以有如此大的差距,是因为目前处在萌芽状态的智能表市场并没有太多数据可供参考。

  Swatch, a Swiss company, was founded in 1983 and later gained worldwide recognition for itssometimes outlandish, highly colorful designs.


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