

苹果发布智能手表 亮瞎你的眼.

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  苹果发布了4.7英寸屏幕的iphone6 ,它拥有金属材质打造的机身,相比之前几代iPhone,全新的iphone6 在设计上回归最初,机身中框部分采用了弧形设计,类似初代iPhone。和5S一样,iPhone 6依旧会有金色、银色和黑色三种配色。详细请看下面的双语信息:

  Technology giant Apple Computers announced at a press event in Cupertino, California today three new products: two new iterations of their iPhone smartphones, the iphone6 and the iphone6 Plus, and Apple's first foray into to the wearable market — the Apple Watch.

  Apple senior vice-president of worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller took to the stage to introduce the new smartphones — the 4.7-inch screen iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch screen iphone6 Plus.

  Both sport a myriad of technology upgrades, from faster WiFi to faster LTE cellular connections. Both phones will launch with the new iOS 8 operating system. (Software updates will go out to older iPhones (the 4S and later) on September 17.)

  The new phones come with what Apple calls Retina HD, an upgrade to their current Retina display technology, the 6 supports up to 1 million pixels and the 6-plus up to 2 million pixels.

  The new phones are also thinner. On the new 6 Plus, apps can be used in Horizontal views.

  Beyond the displays, Apple has put out a new 64-bit chip, the A8, the second generation, which promises to be 25 percent faster in CPU use and 50 percent better in graphics processing. This new processing power is supposedly better in terms of power use. The new iPhones will have better battery life than the iPhone 5S, the company says.

  The new iphone6 and 6 plus will go on sale in the US and Hong Kong among other countries for 199 for the 16gb with a 2 year contract and 299 for the 64gb. The 6 Plus will start at 299 with a two-year contract on September 19. Both come in silver, gold and black.

  苹果发布了4.7英寸屏幕的iphone6 ,它拥有金属材质打造的机身,相比之前几代iPhone,全新的iphone6 在设计上回归最初,机身中框部分采用了弧形设计,类似初代iPhone。和5S一样,iPhone 6依旧会有金色、银色和黑色三种配色。

  由于机身变大,为了照顾用户的操作体验,苹果将iPhone 6的电源键从机身顶部挪到了手机的右侧。不过机身的厚度不增反降,iPhone 6的机身厚度只有6.9毫米,这也使得它成为了迄今为止机身厚度最薄的iPhone手机产品。

  iphone6 的屏幕扩大到了4.7英寸,分辨率随之提升至1334×750像素,换算下来屏幕的像素密度依旧为326,苹果始终认为326 ppi已经是人眼的极限,因此新的iphone6 屏幕像素密度依旧从326起跳。屏幕上覆盖的玻璃盖板不再是平的,而是2.5D的玻璃,这让iphone6 的屏幕边缘是弧形的。

  核心硬件方面,苹果在iphone6 上使用了全新的A8处理器,苹果称这颗处理器是第二代的64位处理器,官方的参数表示A8的处理能力将比之前5S上使用的A7提高25%的处理速度。除此以外A8内还集成了一颗协处理器M8,功能和之前的M7一样,专为测量来自加速感应器、陀螺仪和指南针的运动数据而设计,保证低电压的同时,完成传感器的运算动作。

  iOS 8的正式版将搭载在iphone6 上,新的健康应用以及全新的推送界面将出现,同时iOS 8将开放第三方输入法等。9月17日苹果将向目前能升级iOS 7的产品推送iOS 8正式版,包括iPhone 4S以及iPad 2。

  最大的变化来自存储容量,iphone6 取消了32GB版,加入了128GB版,美国运营商两年的合约价依旧为199/299/399美元,同时iPhone 5S和5C的签约价将降价到99美元以及0元。

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