


2017/08/13 21:22:59 编辑: 浏览次数:75 移动端

  托尼.马伦(Tony Mullen)或许是世界上里程最长的往返旅行者之一。每个月,身为Events Management Queensland公司首席运营官的他都会从澳大利亚出发,完成2万英里的往返旅行,参加英国剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)佳奇管理学院(Judge Business School)的高管MBA(EMBA)课程。详细请看下面的双语信息:

  EMBA programmes (an MBA for working executives), based on monthly weekend classes and online modules, are attracting many more overseas-based candidates. Mr Mullen is one of a growing army of MBA students prepared to travel incredible distances to study at their business school of choice.基于每月一次的周末班和在线单元的EMBA课程(面向在职高管的MBA课程),正吸引更多身处海外的学员。越来越多的MBA学员愿意进行超长距离的旅行,到他们选择的商学院学习。

  “To me getting on a plane is a bit like getting on a train – it’s really just part of the deal,” says Mr Mullen.“对我来说,坐飞机有点像坐火车——这只是整个安排的一部分罢了,”马伦说。

  “I have a classmate who travels from Malaysia and there are students from Ukraine, Russia, France and Ireland in the class,” says Mr Mullen. About a third of his class travel from abroad to attend classes, he adds.“我有一个同学从马来西亚来上课,班上还有同学从乌克兰、俄罗斯、法国和爱尔兰过来,”马伦说。班上大约三分之一的同学从国外来上课,他补充道。

  “There was a gentleman from Sydney taking last year’s programme and I spoke to him bore signing up to get tips on managing the travel.”“有一位来自悉尼的男士参加了去年的课程,为了获得应对旅行的小窍门,我在报名前和他谈过。”


  The Judge EMBA is delivered over 16 weekends and four week-long blocks over a 20-month period. The format is tailored to suit busy executives with heavy work schedules, and coursework is designed to complement students’ existing responsibilities in their jobs.佳奇商学院的EMBA持续20个月,包含16次周末课程和4次为期一周的课程。这种授课安排是为工作繁忙,日程安排紧张的高管量身定做的。课程作业的设计宗旨是辅佐学员的日常工作职责。

  “I leave for Cambridge on a 1am flight on Thursday nights. I sleep for the first six or seven hours and then work for 12 hours straight on the plane,” says Mr Mullen. He estimates he will have spent at least 960 hours or 40 days on an aeroplane over the course of his MBA programme. But by travelling for study at the weekend he says he does not have to miss a lot of work.“我周四夜晚搭乘凌晨1点钟的航班前往剑桥。在飞机上,我先睡6到7个小时,然后连续工作12个小时,”马伦说。他估计,整个课程期间他至少需要在飞机上度过960个小时,相当于整整40天。但他表示,旅行参加周末课程让他不至于落下太多工作。

  Mr Mullen says his day job is pretty busy as his government-owned company manages three major sporting events: the Gold Coast Airport Marathon; Pan Pacific Masters Games; and the Great Barrier Re Masters Games. However, his employer he says has been supportive, allowing him time off to travel to pursue his EMBA.马伦说,他的正职工作非常忙,因为他所在的国有企业负责管理三项大型体育赛事:黄金海岸机场马拉松(Gold Coast Airport Marathon),泛太平洋大师赛(Pan Pacific Masters Games),以及大堡礁大师赛(Great Barrier Re Masters Games)。不过,他说他的雇主一直很支持,允许他请假旅行去攻读EMBA。

  Global brand全球品牌

  “It is the opportunity of a lifetime to attend the course,” says Mr Mullen. “I chose it because of the quality of the programme, the diversity of the cohort, future networks, world-leading academics and the global value of the University of Cambridge brand.”“参加这个课程是一个一生难遇的机会,”马伦说,“我选择这个课程,是因为课程的质量,同学的多样性,未来的人脉,世界领先的学者以及剑桥大学的全球性品牌价值。”

  Mr Mullen says he believes the EMBA will help him to build skills that will benit his current company and enhance his future prospects.马伦说,他相信EMBA将有助于他打造技能,这些技能不仅对他现在的公司有利,还能拓展他未来的职业前景。

  A father of seven-year-old twins, Mr Mullen says there is sacrifice involved in terms of time spent away from family but he works hard to maintain a work- life balance.作为一对7岁大的双胞胎的父亲,马伦承认,由于有一些时间无法陪伴家人,肯定要做出牺牲,但他努力维持工作和生活的平衡。

  “My wife and I spoke about the course in detail bore I took it on,” he says. “I make sure I have quality time with the family and I take some time out to volunteer in my children’s classroom once a week.”“在我参加课程之前,我和妻子详细谈论过课程的事情,”他说,“我确保和家人有一些享受天伦之乐的时间,还抽出一些时间每周去我孩子的班上当志愿者。”

  Financial cost经济成本

  Keeping physically fit is important he adds, given the lengthy flights to the UK and jet lag. He tries to start each day with a 10km run on the Gold Coast beaches in Queensland.马伦补充说,考虑到去往英国的长途飞行以及时差问题,保持身体健康很重要。他每天在昆士兰黄金海岸的沙滩上跑10公里,以此作为一天的开端。

  The financial cost of his EMBA programme and the associated travel, at about A$140,000, was a further consideration.EMBA课程的学费,加上额外的旅行费用,总的经济成本大约是14万澳元,这也是一个考虑因素。

  “Whilst you may find some programmes are cheaper there are many, many more that vastly exceed the cost of the University of Cambridge programme,” he says.“尽管你或许能找到一些更便宜的课程,但还有更多的课程远远超过剑桥大学课程的花费,”马伦表示。

  “I very much see the programme as an investment for the future and I am already seeing dividends come through now in terms of implementing ideas gleaned from my course at work.”“在很大程度上,我将这个课程视为对未来的投资,现在我已经看到它提供的好处,比如把从课上汲取的想法应用到工作上。”

  In time, Mr Mullen hopes the EMBA will help him to reach the level of chi executive and into the board room.马伦希望,随着时间的推移,EMBA能帮助他晋升到首席执行官的级别和进入董事会。

  An added bonus is that by the time his EMBA programme is finished, Mr Mullen will have clocked up 400,000 frequent flyer air miles. However, whether he can bear to take another long distance flight is another matter entirely.另一个额外好处是,到马伦完成EMBA课程时,他将积累40万英里的常客航空里程。然而,那时马伦是否还能忍受长途飞行就完全是另一码事了。

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