您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 做出重大商业决策的5个要诀.
The challenge, though, is that not every leader is willing to make such decisions for fear of itbeing considered “wrong.” They think that once a decision is made it is interminable andirreversible, and that adapting down the road isn’t an option or, even worse, they’ll be fired forbeing decisive.
What’s wrong with this notion? Plenty. Here are five criteria to consider when making your nextbig decision:
1. The purpose of the decision
1. 决策的目的
In the military, there was (and still is) a pecking order of priority upon which decisions arebased. The mission always came first, followed by what would serve the team, and finally, whatwould serve the individual. The individual always comes last because he or she was always thesmallest link in the organizational chain. Playing to self-interest serves little purpose, and that’snot what a team or an organization is about.
2. Wrong is never permanent
2. 错误绝非永恒不变
Well, “never” is a strong word, but you get the idea. I’ve said bore thatfailure is onlydetermined by where you choose to stop, and it also depends on how that particular problemis perceived. The higher one ascends within an organization . For example, the same problemthat appears tricky at one level may not necessarily be the right one to solve for at another.Seek as many viewpoints as you can to enhance your understanding of the situation.
3. Timeline to execution
3. 执行的时间线
There are internal and external influences that shape the feasibility of execution along a giventimeline. Internal influences rer to the competency of you and your team to execute thedecision in the time allotted, whereas external influences signify the driving forces thatimpact the deadline that you have no control over, such as weather, the economy or marketdemand.
You want to ask yourself two questions. First, “Is now the right time to decide?” If the answeris yes, then your next question is, “Am I capable of executing the decision?” If the answer isno then ask “why?”
4. Known unknowns and unknown unknowns
4. 已知的未知和未知的未知
These are the constraints surrounding the execution of your decisions.
A known unknown is when you realize a specific intangible exists but can’t quantify howmuch, such as traffic (if you live in Los Angeles you know exactly what I’m talking about). Forinstance, you’re aware that rush hour in LA never really has an end point, so it could take youanwhere from 20 minutes to two hours to travel from A to B. The point is, you know thatuncertainty exists but don’t know how much.
Unknown unknowns are when Murphy likes to throw another wrench in the mix that you simplycan’t plan for, such as (continuing with the traffic example) a vehicle accident or enginebreakdown.
Try to identify all constraints as best you can so you know how to align them towards thepurpose of your decision.
5. Resource accessibility
5. 资源的可用性
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The result of any fort will depend in part on theresources used to execute it, so be sure to identify not only the primary resources availablebut also secondary ones, too. Every decision should have a contingency plan for when thoseunknown unknowns arise and deem your primary course of action obsolete.
如果你最初没能成功,要不断尝试。每一次努力的结果很大程度上取决你执行计划所使用的资源,所以不仅要确定可用的主要资源,还要确定次要资源。每一项决策都应该制定一项应对 “未知的未知”和主要行动方案失败等情形的应急方案。
Decision-making can paralyze you if you’re not prepared. Tackle your next major dilemmausing the aforementioned considerations and feel better about the decisions you come to.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲