


2017/08/13 21:20:57 编辑: 浏览次数:247 移动端

  星巴克(Starbucks)首席执行官霍华德·D·舒尔茨(Howard D. Schultz)周日在一封致员工信中说道,不再鼓励咖啡师在客人的咖啡杯上写“种族共处”(Race Together)这个口号。于是,该公司旨在就种族议题促进公开讨论,但却广泛受到嘲笑的计划就此结束。详细请看下面的双语信息:

  “While there has been criticism of the initiative — and I know this hasn’t been easy for any ofyou — let me assure you that we didn’t expect universal praise,” Mr. Schultz wrote.


  Having baristas write on customers’ cups, Mr. Schultz wrote, “which was always just thecatalyst for a much broader and longer-term conversation — will be completed as originallyplanned today, March 22.”


  That end date had not previously been mentioned publicly, including during Mr. Schultz’sdiscussion of the initiative at the company’s annual shareholders meeting last week, but acompany spokeswoman, Laurel Harper, said employees had been told about it.

  这个截止日期此前从未被公开透露过。舒尔茨上周在公司的年度股东大会上谈到这项行动时,也未提及截止日期。不过星巴克女发言人洛瑞尔·哈珀(Laurel Harper)透露,曾向员工们透露过这个日期。

  Asked whether Starbucks was reacting to criticism, Ms. Harper said, “That is not true at all.When we initially began the Race Together initiative, what we wanted to do is spark theconversation, because we believe that is the first step in a complicated issue.”


  She added, “Leading change isn’t an easy thing to accomplish.”


  The initiative, which began last week, was mocked with such vehemence on social media thatthe company’s senior vice president for global communications deleted his Twitter accountbecause, as he wrote on Medium, he felt “personally attacked in a cascade of negativity.”


  Some critics said that Starbucks might look first to its own executive team, which theysuggested was considerably less diverse than lower-paid staff. Others felt that a coffeecompany should not foist such discussions on customers.


  “I’ll have a flat white,” read one cartoon, rerring to an espresso drink the company hasrecently started serving. “No racism intended.”

  “我想要一杯白咖啡(flat white),”一幅漫画里这样写道。“没有种族歧视的意思。”这是星巴克最近推出的一款浓缩咖啡。

  But the broader initiative, Mr. Schultz wrote Sunday, “is far from over.”


  More open forums are planned, Mr. Schultz wrote, and three special sections in USA Todayfocusing on racial issues are to appear over the next year, along with “more open dialogue withpolice and community leaders in cities across our country, a continued focus on jobs andeducation for our nation’s young people.”

  舒尔茨写道,还计划了更多的公开论坛,《今日美国报》(USA Today)上将于明年开辟三个关注种族议题的特别栏目,此外“还会在全国各个城市,在警方和社区领袖之间促进更多的公开对话,并持续关注我国年轻人的就业和教育”。

  Starbucks has also committed, he said, to hiring “10,000 opportunity youth over the nextthree years” and expanding its store footprint in “urban communities.”


  The criticisms, Ms. Harper said, have not dented Starbucks’ determination. “This is who weare,” she said. “Our mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit, one person, one cupand one neighborhood at a time. We know that we don’t have all the solutions and theanswers, but for us, doing nothing makes us part of the problem.”


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