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从小说处女作《母语人士》(Native Speaker)开始,韩裔美国作家李昌来(Chang-rae Lee)写了很多在美国的移民经历。在他的最新小说《在如此完满的大海上》(On Such a Full Sea)中,主人公是一个名叫“范”(Fan)的中国女人,生活在一个名为B-Mor的城市,而B-Mor其实是未来的巴尔的摩。这部小说讲述了一个反乌托邦的故事,设定各国处在铺天盖地的环境退化灾难之中。范来自雾霾严重的山西省,那里有数以万计的中国人和她一样,逃离环境毒化的家乡,前往B-Mor当食品生产工人。详细请看下面的双语信息:
Mr. Lee, who also teaches creative writing at Princeton University, was in Beijing for the annualBookworm Literary Festival, which runs to March 29. Last Sunday, I hosted a conversationwith him that included questions from an audience at the Bookworm. Following are lightly editedexcerpts, transcribed by Becky Davis:
李昌来在普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)教授创意写作课程,本次他前往北京参加一年一度的老书虫国际文学节(Bookworm Literary Festival)期间,我主持了与他的对话,其中包括书虫节听众的提问。书虫节将于3月29日周日闭幕。以下是稍作编辑的对话摘要,由贝基·戴维斯(Becky Davis)从录音转录为文字。
Q. Earlier today, I was at the Chinese prime minister’s press conference. He said China hadn’tdone enough on pollution and that he really needs to push forward in the war againstpollution. In your latest novel, “On Such a Full Sea,” the future that you envision is one inwhich China loses the war on pollution. Can you tell us why you see this being the future ofthe world?
A. It’s not just China — it’s really everyone, in the book.
The book is set some vague number of years ahead, 150 to 200 years, I’m not that specificabout it. But I am very specific about the kinds of implications for the people of the society,which is that they all suffer from a certain kind of inevitable disease, which they call “sea,”which is something that’s sort of lurking out there mysteriously. They can’t really address it.And obviously that comes from the violation of the environment.
They’re always talking about being carul about the things that you eat, the water that youdrink. One of the conceits of the book is that there is a production facility called B-Mor in thormer Baltimore, and this production facility is a facility that provides pristine fishes andvegetables for an elite class of people. And the very fact of its existence is that everythingoutside is too poisoned and too ruined to trust.
I don’t get into the environmental issues very much. There’s some guy who kept writing meevery week after the book came out and said, can you just come out and say that this is a “Cli-Fi” novel? I don’t know, he must have had a trademark [on the term] or something. There’sclimate anxiety [in the novel], but it’s not that geeky about it. It’s almost a psychic condition,of feeling beleaguered.
Today, we were just walking around. I bought my first mask here, which I kind of liked. Butthen I noticed that the mask itself smelled sort of chemically. So I was thinking, maybe themask is actually worse for you than the air.
Q. You were originally going to write a novel about China but then you took the train pastBaltimore, and decided to set it there. In your original conception of the novel, why did youwant to set a book in China? You came to China on one or two trips to do some research —could you tell us about that?
A. My original idea was to write a kind of social fabric novel about Chinese factory workers. Soin about 2011 or so, I went to Shenzhen. My sister lives in Hong Kong, so it was an easy trip. Isort of finagled my way into a factory. It was a really fascinating visit for me. I hadn’t been to afactory and had all these preconceptions about what I would see. It actually wasn’t so horrible. Idon’t know if people have gone to that area — that’s where you know all the factories are, youknow. They’re not really factories so much as they are settlements. And this particularsettlement, this factory that I went to was a facility that produced tiny electrical motors, thekind that drive a DVD tray or a side-view mirror. So it wasn’t a big, huge industrial complex. Itwas really more like a campus, but a really grubby one — kind of rundown. There was nothingaesthetically pleasing about it.
Q. It wasn’t like Princeton.
A. No, no. At Princeton, every blade of grass is accounted for. It’s a little creepy.
Q. That’s a dystopian novel!
A. Well, dystopias are always about utopias, of course. But this particular place was … it wasexactly what I needed for the book I wanted to write. It had a little health center. It had abasketball hoop that was rusty. It had the dining hall. It had the dormitories of course, whichhoused eight people in one little room, in bunks, with a little hot plate and a plant there. Peoplewere trying to make a life out of it, obviously, and choosing to be there. And of course most ofthe workers were young women.
And I was all set to write that novel. I went back to my desk in Princeton and started to write.But I felt as if … and this I’ve got to blame on you guys, journalists who have done such agreat job in doing my initial research about all the things that were going on in China. I guess Ihad always been someone in the last five to seven years who had a lot of interest in China,about all the awesome things that were happening, but also this kind of dread about China,about its power, about its environment. All the things that make China special and noticeable.
So I got back to my desk again and I felt as if I was writing. … You know, the writing was fine.But I think I was writing just basically what you guys [journalists] were writing. I wasn’t addinganything to that story, in my view. I didn’t want to just report on it, because you know, whenyou’re writing a novel, it’s not just about representation. Of course, when you’re writing a greatjournalistic piece it’s not just about that either. But the novel, especially as something thatneeds to be sustained for that many pages, really needs other kinds of angles. You need otherkinds of approaches to the material to make it come alive in a way that’s unlikely but is stillobviously truthful, and maybe beautiful.
I guess I had to admit to myself that that wasn’t happening. For whatever reason. Maybe I justwasn’t imagining the characters right. … You know, I had been so inspired by certain novelslike Zola’s “Germinal.” It’s a great novel about coal miners in a town in 19th-century France andtheir struggles — their battle against the owners and the degradation that they suffered. And Iwas going to do all that, but I guess I just didn’t have that special, fresh angle on my material.So I put it away, kind of depressed, because I’d done all this work, and I was still excited aboutit.
That’s when I took this train ride from New York to D.C. For those of you who have not beenon that train — it’s the regular train that goes every day, many times a day. Because I’d grownup in the New York area, I’d been on that train for probably 45 years of my life, going back andforth periodically. And for 45 years, I’d always seen, as you roll into Baltimore Penn Station, theeast side of Baltimore that’s always been, as I can remember since I was a little kid, aneighborhood that’s forlorn. A classic American ghetto. The reasons for it are myriad and verycomplicated. Race, racism, economic decline, post-industrial stuff, all that kind of stuff.Anyway, that’s the kind of neighborhood it was.
I was looking at this neighborhood, and not thinking at all of writing about it, and I just gotangry and frustrated as a citizen. I said, I can’t believe I’ve been seeing this neighborhood forprobably four decades in various states of neglect, disrepair, maybe hope, a little bit. Thecurrent iteration that I saw was that it was all boarded up, these very modest 2oth-centurymodest row houses. They’d be just boarded up with plywood so that the street wascompletely cleared of anything, so that no one was supposed to live there anymore. It wasabsolutely cleared out of people. It was like a neutron bomb went off. The buildings were stillstanding, but the people were all gone.
And I thought to myself — what a waste! We need so much affordable housing in our cities,and in Baltimore especially. I thought, why don’t we just invite an environmentally ruined villagein China over? People can’t live there. Fifty thousand people — bring them over here, let themhave it. Right? Let’s see what they do with it! They’ve got to do something good with it. Whoknows what they’ll do?
And I kept sort of tossing that idea about, and I said, gee, that would be kind of a fun idea.Kind of an immigration story en masse. You know, usually an immigration story is like, myfamily, this community. But to bring everyone over at once in an engineered way, with a realpurpose, a mission to revitalize. And I said of course that’s not going to work. No one’s goingto allow that, even if people needed it.
But then I just kept rolling about the idea, and I thought, well maybe in the future, in a verydifferent future, America might need a certain kind of assistance, a certain kind ofrevitalization. Maybe all these forlorn urban areas — in 100 years, 200 years, that’s still aproblem, still something that needs to be addressed, and maybe that would happen. So I said,O.K., I’ll set the book in the future. But of course once you do that, you have to talk about therest of the future, the rest of the context. So that’s how this book happened.
I still took a lot of the research that I did on my Shenzhen trip. Not the details of that visit, butI guess the feeling, the ethos of those workers, the sense of community that they had. Andreally, this novel started out as a novel about community, but a certain kind of community.But then it became larger.
[During the question-and-answer session, a young man asked Mr. Lee about his understandingof Chinese culture, citing a scene in “On Such a Full Sea.” There is a plot spoiler here for thosewho have not yet read the novel.]
Q. When I was reading the book, there was a point for me when the story really turned and Ibecame invested. And that was when the Joseph character, the boy, drowns and then there’sthe funeral scene, because that just rang so true for me in my experience of Chinese funerals.It got me really curious how much of, is it a question of how much you really know aboutChinese culture or is it like overlap with your understanding of Korean culture? What is it aboutChinese culture that stands out from Korean culture or American culture, that’s distinctive foryou? What is something inherent besides the obvious differences?
A. I don’t know that there is. There is a little bit that it just bleeds over from Korean funerals, Isuppose. I’d seen Chinese ones on film. [laughs] I think my editor was like, oh, you’re reallygoing into all this business about … Why are you going into this scene? I had a hard timeexplaining it to her. Because I felt like that scene — and I’m really glad you brought it up —that scene, it was important to me because it’s when the community comes together andreally taps into a feeling. It’s the first time that Fan really notices that and feels like there’s beena real bonding, even with all these disparate people that don’t really care about each other.That this one moment is sort of crystallizing a feeling.
答:我不知道。我认为,有些地方和韩式葬礼类似。我通过电影看过中式葬礼。[笑] 我觉得我编辑的反应是这样的,哦,你真的要深入到所有这些东西里去……你为什么要写这一幕?我艰难地就此对她作了解释。因为我感觉那一幕——我真的很高兴你提了出来——那一幕,它之所以对我很重要,是因为整个社区在此刻团结在了一起,而且它真实地挖掘了一种感受。这是范第一次真正注意到这一点,而且感觉人们之间存在一种真实的联系,即使是与这些各不相同并且对彼此漠不关心的人。这一刻在某种程度上使一种感觉变得清清楚楚。
And part of my anxiety about this community that I was writing about was that they’d gottena little bit soft, a little bit comfortable, a little bit in some ways detached from one another,because the bonds of their community were so structurally sound and structurally kind ofprescribed, that they’d forgotten about them. When everyone’s a cousin, everyone’s a cousin.No one’s like, right there. And so that was something that I felt that she would see or feel. Andnot just her — the “we.” They begin to feel something, that there’s this final burst, for the firsttime in a long time, this rush, this drug of feeling. And I guess that’s why that scene exists.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲