


2017/08/13 21:20:04 编辑: 中国 浏览次数:208 移动端

  全球最大移动网络运营商中国移动(China Mobile) 2014年利润下降10%,至1093亿元人民币,这在一定程度上是由与去年推出4G服务有关的一项宏大资本支出计划导致的。详细请看下面的双语信息:

  The profit was slightly higher than the Rmb108.6bn ($17.5bn) forecast by analysts polled byReuters. China Mobile’s revenues of Rmb641.4bn were 1.8 per cent higher from a year ago.


  Analysts expect China Mobile to have a better 2015. “Cash flow will improve dramatically as thecapex hump is now behind us,” said Sanford Bernstein, the brokerage, in a note.

  分析师预计,中国移动2015年的业绩将会好转。“随着资本支出的驼峰成为过去,现金流将大幅改善,”券商桑福德伯恩斯坦(Sanford Bernstein)在一份简报中表示。

  “The company’s strategy is clearly centred on 4G and on extending and protecting theirnetwork-based advantage,” it added.


  While China Mobile boasts 62 per cent of all mobile phone customers in China, its share ofmobile data traffic is relatively small due to its slow 3G network, which the company is seekingto remedy with a widespread rollout of 4G technology.


  Following problems with its 3G service — which is painfully slow — the company moved swiftlyto roll out 4G, receiving its 4G licence a year bore its rivals. Due to 500,000 completed basestations in 2014, China Mobile got the jump on it two competitors, China Unicom and ChinaTelecom, in the race to convert subscribers.

  在遭受其3G速度慢得令人痛苦的问题之后,中国移动比竞争对手早一年拿到4G牌照,于是该公司迅速采取行动推出4G服务。凭借其2014年安装到位的50万座基站,中国移动在转换用户方面比两家竞争对手——中国联通(China Unicom)和中国电信(China Telecom)——先行了一步。

  The company was also the first to begin selling Apple’s iPhone with its network plans, whichhave proved hugely popular.


  The strategy has borne fruit. China Mobile finished 2014 with 90.1m 4G subscribers out of atotal reported 97m by China’s Ministry of Industry and Trade. The company has continued tocapture the market — registering 84 per cent of total 3G and 4G subscriber additions for thourth quarter.


  The company said mobile data traffic revenue rose by 42 per cent over the year.


  However, this month both China Telecom and China Unicom received permission to begin full4G services, threatening China Mobile’s first mover advantage.


  Having completed the main building phase of the 4G network, the company forecast thatcapex would fall from Rmb213.5bn last year to Rmb199.7bn in 2015, according to the annualresults presentation.


  Compared to building 500,000 base stations in 2014 — a mammoth building task whichaccounted for about 50 per cent of worldwide 4G capital expenditure — China Mobile said itplanned to build only 300,000 new 4G base stations in 2015.


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