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These are early days, however. Online business education is a fledgling sector where noprovider can claim to have created the perfect delivery model.
After the rush to put free content online through massive open online courses (Moocs), anumber of leading business schools have developed web-based programmes that blend onlineteaching with meetings on campus or virtual interactions that replicate the discussions that cantake place in lecture halls. Many schools are also realising they need to charge for their contentand teaching services.
在各方竞相通过大型网络公开课(Massive Open Online Courses,简称Mooc)形式将免费内容放到线上之后,一些知名商学院开发了基于网络的课程,将在线授课与校内上课或者复制那种讲座讨论的虚拟互动结合起来。许多商学院还意识到,它们有必要对内容和教学服务收费。
“The potential to reach new audiences and to integrate new ways of teaching means thatonline education is dinitely here to stay,” says David Smith, who leads the education practiceat the London office of Simon-Kucher & Partners the pricing and monetisation advisers.However, he adds that schools still need to find the right, sustainable business models.
“赢得新受众和整合新型授课方式的潜力意味着,在线教育必将持续下去,”定价和盈利咨询公司Simon-Kucher & Partners伦敦分部的教育业务主管戴维?史密斯(David Smith)说。不过他补充说,商学院还需要找到正确的、可持续的商业模式。
Some schools are trying to adapt their traditional teaching methods and put them online.Others are looking to reinvent the market. Mooc providers such as Coursera and edX havebroken new ground. They have created purely online models, where content is free and revenueis generated by users paying for things such as accreditation certificates.
Some schools have made courses available on the big Mooc platforms. Others have createdtheir own platforms to deliver versions of courses online, in part to counter the threat fromentrants from Silicon Valley.
What is emerging is a set of business-school run courses that blend online and offlineteaching. These are based on the principle that online learning is not a passive activity, but achance to interact with professors and other students through web conferencing.
An example is Harvard Business School’s digital learning platform HBX. This provides onlinetuition, but marks a break with Mooc platforms in that it involves a selective admissionsprocess and a tuition requirement for enrollees.
哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的电子学习平台HBX就是一例。该平台虽然提供在线授课,但由于是选择性招生,并向录取者收取学费,因此与Mooc平台有所不同。
The first HBX course programme, called Credential of Readiness (Core), consists of threecourses on business analytics, accounting and management economics, and is taught by HBSfaculty.
HBX平台上的第一个课程项目名为“Core”(Credential of Readiness ,意为“准备就绪证书”),包括商业分析、会计和管理经济学三门课,由哈佛商学院的老师授课。
A pilot, started last summer, was limited to Massachusetts-based undergraduates, who couldbe physically and virtually monitored, but applications are now invited from around the world for600 places on a 10-week, $1,500 course.
“We went through a conscious fort not to go down the Mooc route,” explains Bharat Anand,professor of business administration and faculty chairman of HBX.
“我们有意识地不重复Mooc课程的老路,”HBX学院主席、商业管理教授巴拉特?阿南德(Bharat Anand)解释道。
“We wanted it to be more than just watching a video for 25 minutes. HBX is about interacting,asking others questions and getting involved online.”
The pilot confirmed that Core was financially viable and showed the HBX structure succeedingwhere Moocs have failed in terms of student engagement. About 90 per cent of students whostarted the pilot completed the course, Professor Anand notes, similar to results for Harvardcampus courses.
“In a Mooc world, it [student retention] is single digits,” he adds. “If you get to 10 per cent, youare typically cheering.”
The problem with Moocs, Prof Anand says, is that they did not play to any of Harvard’sstrengths as a leading business school, whose value is based on the quality of its teaching andthe dynamic it creates in the classroom when case studies are being taught.
“The case study method of teaching [at Harvard] is high energy. Everybody is involved, so thereis no distinction between the teacher and the student.”
Applicants for the upcoming Core course are already from a much wider demographic thantraditional campus courses, ranging from undergraduates — who HBS aims to get “businessready” — to people in their 40s and 50s.
“With people who are older, we are seeing different motivations,” says Prof Anand. “People whoare career switchers, but don’t think they have the skills; a second group of entrepreneurs orpeople who want to be entrepreneurs; and a third group of people coming from academic andnot-for-profit backgrounds.”
The future, according to the professor, will be “multiplatform”, both virtual and face-to-face. “Insome ways, the physical classroom will always be better,” says Prof Anand, but adds: “There arethings you can only do in the online world.”
Over in California, Stanford Graduate School of Business has launched an online businesseducation course, called the Lead (learn, engage, accelerate and disrupt) certificate educationprogramme for company executives. At $16,000, Lead is considerably more expensive thanHarvard’s online offering. “I don’t think anything that anyone is doing at the moment isdinitive on the direction that the industry should go,” says Dave Weinstein, associate deanand director of executive education at Stanford.
在加利福尼亚州,斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)推出了一门名为“Lead”(Learn、engage、accelerate和disrupt的首字母缩写)的高管认证教育课程。Lead项目的收费为1.6万美元,比哈佛的在线课程收费高得多。“我不认为现在每个人做的事情都必定符合这个行业的发展方向,”斯坦福大学商学院副院长兼高管教育总监戴夫?温斯坦(Dave Weinstein)说。
“One of the critical challenges of Lead is how we get people to come together so that they walkaway perceiving that there is a relationship formed at the same place and at the same time.”
Mr Weinstein believes business education needs to be more flexible — large companies, whichused to fund their executives on MBA programmes, are less willing to allow senior executivesto spend long periods away studying and time-poor start-up founders are similarly unlikely tobe able to take time out for an MBA.
“We believe it is incumbent upon us to deliver education to people who don’t have the luxuryto go to a campus,” says Mr Weinstein.
Stanford’s proximity to the world’s largest collection of technology companies is anadvantage, he adds.
“The world of online is the world of Silicon Valley, where you experiment and fail fast. It is in ourDNA.”
The experimentation in online business education is set to continue. But the only certainty sofar is that no one has yet proven theirs to be the dinitive business model for teaching.
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