


2017/08/13 21:13:56 编辑: 浏览次数:300 移动端


  That is what Apple is about to do with the launch of its Watch. It will start collecting ordersonline from Friday and release the device in nine countries in two weeks.


  For something that carries with it the best hope yet for a new “wearables” computing platform,the Watch risks being hamstrung. Only a subset of Apple’s existing customers will end upowning one. That is because it is yoked to the iPhone (which is used by only one in sixsmartphone owners): Watch gets its connectivity from the iPhone, and the only apps that workon it are extensions of the ones that are carried by Apple’s App Store for use on its own mobiledevices.

  迄今为止,苹果Watch是被人们寄予最高期望的新式“可穿戴”计算平台,但它可能难有大作为。苹果的现有客户中,只有一小部分人最终能拥有这款产品。这是因为它与iPhone绑定在一起,而iPhone用户仅占智能手机用户的六分之一。苹果Watch通过iPhone与外界连接,而且它搭载的应用都是苹果应用商店(App Store)中苹果自身移动设备所载应用的扩展。

  According to influential US management professors David Yoffie and Michael Cusumano, this isjust the latest manifestation of Apple’s halfhearted acceptance of the significance of techplatforms. In their book Strategy Rules*, to be published next week, they argue that the lateApple co-founder Steve Jobswas instinctively drawn to building self-contained products —tightly integrated pieces of technology that worked on their own terms.

  颇具影响力的美国管理学教授戴维?约菲(David Yoffie)和迈克尔?库苏马诺(Michael Cusumano)表示,这不过是一个最新的例子,证明苹果并不全心认可技术平台的重要性。两人在他们下周将出版的新书《战略规则》(Strategy Rules)中表示,已故苹果联合创始人史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)热衷于打造自成一体的产品(即按照苹果自己的设定运行、彼此高度整合在一起的各种科技设备)是其性格使然。

  Platforms, by contrast, benit from network fects as other tech companies addcomplementary products and services, such as apps, which in turn draw more users. Jobsfinally bowed to the power of the platform idea with the App Store for Apple’s mobile devices.But, according to Mr Yoffie and Mr Cusumano, the mix he exhibited is still evident at Apple andcould result in the tech group squandering a lead in the post-smartphone computing platform.


  The picture is not black and white. It is probably better to think of the Watch as an extensionof an existing tech platform, rather than a product with no platform aspirations at all. It will,after all, run stripped-down apps from third parties. As such, it represents a first, cautiousplay in a new market where there are likely to be rethinks along the way.


  History shows that Apple is quite prepared to make adjustments. After all, it displayed a similarcaution with version 1.0 of other gadgets, including the iPod and iPhone. The iTunes musicsoftware, an integral part of the iPod, was initially limited to the Mac. The iPod only took offonce the software was opened up to PC users. In a similar vein, the iPhone was initiallydesigned to run only Apple’s applications.


  The first iterations of these products didn’t set the world on fire. Apple sold fewer than 1miPods in the first year and only about 6m iPhones. Watch 1.0 should at least do much betterthan that. Most analysts are predicting sales of 20m-40m in the first year. But this could stillrepresent a missed opportunity if Apple cedes a dominant market share in wearables toGoogle’s Android, as it has in smartphones.


  The trick will be deciding when — and if — to treat the Watch as a platform in its own right.Such decisions, made in the heat of the moment, don’t always look like calculated strategychoices taken in a cold and deliberative manner.


  According to various accounts, for instance, Jobs was deeply opposed to opening up iTunesand only gave in when his managers ganged up against him. Mr Yoffie and Mr Cusumanodescribe the scene as told to them by one former Apple executive: “After yet another heatedargument, [Jobs] hurled an expletive at the assembled managers, yelled, ‘Do whatever youwant, you’re responsible,’ and stormed out of the room.”


  For the Watch to cut its tie with the iPhone, some fundamental issues would need to besolved, ranging from battery life (needed to connect to a 3G network) and cost (the 3G chipand a separate data plan) to usability.


  If one of the Watch’s main uses is to display notifications pushed out by smartphone apps,could it have an independent existence? It may be that wearables like this are never more thanmarginal peripherals for smartphones, rather than pieces of a new computing platform in theirown right.


  The more immediate challenge for Apple, meanwhile, will be to convince its existing loyalcustomers that there are enough good reasons to brandish a computer on their wrists, evenone bearing the stylish hallmark of Apple design studios. There will be plenty of time toloosen the ties with a Watch 2.0.



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