


2017/08/13 21:09:42 编辑: 中国 浏览次数:259 移动端


  Beijing Simplot, a Chinese joint venture involving J.R. Simplot of the US, supplies French fries and hash browns to McDonald’s in China, one of its biggest global markets.北京辛普劳食品加工有限公司(Beijing Simplot)是美国辛普劳(J.R. Simplot)在中国成立的一家合资企业,向麦当劳中国供应炸薯条和炸薯饼。中国是麦当劳最大的全球市场之一。

  The latest scandal involved not food quality but environmental regulations — another sensitive topic in China as public opposition is growing to air and water pollution.这起最新丑闻关涉的不是食品安全,而是环保监管。在公众对空气和水污染越发反感之际,环保监管成了中国的另一个敏感话题。

  State media reported that the chip supplier had allowed polluted water to flow into city pipes where it was processed by a waste water treatment plant. Beijing Simplot said it had accepted and paid the Rmb4m ($650,000) fine imposed by the Beijing city government, its highest environmental protection fine.中国国有媒体报道称,这家薯条供应商将部分污水排入市政管网,不过污水已由污水处理厂进行了处理。北京辛普劳表示,其已接受处罚决定,并缴纳了北京政府部门处以的约400万元人民币(合65万美元)罚款——这是环保领域罚款金额最高的一次处罚。

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