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  I was working in Nicaragua for the International Finance Corporation, the developmentinstitution, was newly married, and preparing to leave for a post in Rwanda. Facing a break inemployment, I considered business school, but when I did the maths — time out of theworkforce, forgone earnings, cost of living expenses, and the price of the MBA itself — thenumbers did not seem to add up.

  我当时是开发机构“国际金融公司”(International Finance Corporation)驻尼加拉瓜工作人员,刚刚结婚,正准备前往卢旺达从事一份新的工作。面对职业上的这段空档期,我考虑去读商学院,但我掂量了下脱产的时间、放弃的收入、生活开销成本和MBA本身的学费,发现这么做似乎并不合算。


  Then I heard about massive open online courses (Moocs) from a friend with an MBA who wastaking a finance course as a rresher. I explored the larger Mooc platforms and was excited tofind the foundations of a complete masters in business administration, with more coursescoming online all the time. I saw an opportunity to build the education I desired, free, withoutinterrupting my career.


  Completion rates in Moocs are notoriously low. In order to stay motivated, I decided to blogabout my experiment, which I titled The No-Pay MBA.

  MOOC的完成率出名的低。为了保持学习动力,我决定写博客记录下我的学习体验,博客的名字是“免费MBA”(No-Pay MBA)。

  A year and a half later, I am well on my way to achieving my goal: to replicate a two-year full-time MBA programme over three years of part-time study. So far, I have taken about 20business courses. Like a traditional degree programme, my business education as a whole ismuch greater than the sum of its parts. Not only am I learning new skills and concepts in aseries of courses, I am having an immersive experience and the way that I think is evolving.


  Online degree programmes have been around for years, and distance learning as a whole ismuch older. What is new is that I am able to take courses from top business programmes:accounting from Wharton, entrepreneurship from Sloan, strategy from Darden — the list goeson — without paying anything.


  There are other benits to designing my own curriculum. The entire universe of Moocs isopen to me, and I can tailor my studies to my interests. If I discover that a course does notmeet my needs, I can study something different without waiting an entire semester and withoutwasting any money.


  Some elements of the MBA experience are harder to replicate than others. I miss out on thebenits of the business school network and of being part of a cohort of students. However,through my website, I can connect with other Mooc business students, as well as withprofessionals involved in the start-up culture that has emerged around Moocs.


  Another disadvantage of Moocs is that they do not always require a student to apply thecontent in a hands-on way. A typical MBA programme is packed with internships, class projectsand international travel.


  To fill that gap, I have sought out ways to apply my skills in real-world settings: at work,through volunteering and in the management of my website.


  The best of these experiences showed me how Mooc students might find a path toemployment. To complete the final project for Foundations of Business Strategy, I found a“digital internship” through a platform called Coursolve, which brings together learners andbusinesses for short projects. The project I chose was to conduct strategic analysis forCoursolve itself. The experience was so positive — on both sides — that I am now consultingfor the company part time.

  这些经历的最大好处就是让我认识到MOOC学生如何能找到工作机会。为了完成“商业战略基础”(Foundationsof Business Strategy)这门课的最后一个项目,我通过名为Coursolve的平台找到了一个“数字实习”(digitalinternship)机会。Coursolve帮助学生和企业建立起联系,来完成一些短期项目。我选择的项目是对Coursolve本身展开战略分析。这次实习经历雇佣双方都很满意,因此,我现在成了这家公司的兼职顾问。

  I am often asked whether I will get a degree when I finish my studies. The answer is no, but thishas never bothered me. After I “graduate” (likely in May 2016), I have no doubt that I will beable to use my unique experience the next time I search for a job. For a certain type ofemployer, the creative way I have sought my education and the publicity I have garnered fordoing so are more indicative of my potential than a regular MBA degree would be.


  I went into this project seeking to further my career in international development. In theprocess, I have developed a keen interest in the business of online learning and in thepotential of Moocs to greatly expand access to education worldwide.


  I live in one of the poorest countries in Africa, and am getting a world-class business educationfor the price of a high-speed internet connection. To me, that is a game-changer. In the nextphase of my career, I look forward to helping rewrite the rules.


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