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  The world's first self-destructing novel isbeing offered by James Patterson.


  For £200,000 one fan will get 24 hours toread his latest book bore it explodes. Although the precise detail of the destructionare unclear, a SWAT team will be on hand to deal with any issues.


  Patterson, author of Unlucky 13 and CrossMy Heart, says that as book shops are increasingly closing publishers need tobe as imaginative as film companies in creating a hype around a new novel.

  帕特森的作品包括《不幸的13》(Unlucky 13)和《真心话》(CrossMy Heart)等。他表示,随着愈来愈多书店结束营业,书籍更难赢得注意,所以出版商必须和电影公司一样有想象力,以掀起新一波小说阅读的热潮。

  Unlike the film industry's red-carpetpremieres, Hollywood luminaries and huge advertising budgets, book launcheswith signings and readings are a more staid affair.


  "The publishing business needs tocompete," he said. "It needs to compete with movies and the Internet."


  For £194,000 one avid reader will be flownto an undisclosed location for a meal with Patterson and will be given a copyof Private Vegas ahead of its launch at the end of the month.

  而花费19.4万英镑,热心读者将飞往一个私密的地点与帕特森共餐,同时还能提前得到帕特森月底发行的新作《私家侦探:拉斯维加斯》(Private Vegas)。

  A special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teamwill also be on hand to handle the explosive thriller.


  Also as part of the promotion, 1,000 fanswill be able to download free copies of the book from the websiteselfdestructingbook.com. Each book will have a 24-hour digital timer thatcannot be paused or cancelled.


  "Twenty four hours after you start it,the book will no longer be there," said Patterson, 67. "I hope thisspurs more ways to get attention."


  He added: "This seemed like a terrificway to draw attention to a book in a way that has never been done bore,"he explained. "In the history of publishing there hasn't been anythinglike this."


  Private Vegas is the latest in Patterson's'Private' series featuring Jack Morgan, who discovers a murder ring in thegambling mecca.

  据悉,《私家侦探:拉斯维加斯》是詹姆斯·帕特森“私人系列”的最新作品,描述杰克·摩根(Jack Morgan)揭发赌城谋杀集团的故事。

  "Hopully this also opens updifferent opportunities just in terms of how we can push the boundaries inpublishing in general," said copy writer Jose Funegra.

  “希望这还能为我们如何推进出版的无边界化带来不同的机遇。”广告文案约瑟(Jose Funegra)说道。

  Patterson, a fixture on the bestsellerslist, has sold more than 300 million books worldwide, with fictionalpsychologist Alex Cross among his best known characters.

  詹姆斯·帕特森是美国畅销书榜单作家常客,他的作品在全球销售超过三亿多册。心理学家亚历克斯·克罗斯(Alex Cross)是他作品中最著名的形象。

  In addition to his more than 100 novels,Patterson has written books for young readers, including the Middle School agegroup.


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