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They wear new designer outfits every day, travel round in style in a pram more expensive than the one Kim Kardashian bought for her baby daughter North and are comforted by a £600 teddy bear.
They wear new designer outfits every day, travel round in style in a pram more expensive than the one Kim Kardashian bought for her baby daughter North and are comforted by a £600 teddy bear.
Meet Britain's most pampered twins Isabella and Jacob - who even have their own Twitter account.
For the first 100 days of their lives the pair have been treated to new gear from the likes of Prada, Dior and Ralph Lauren, after their mother splashed out more than £20,000 for the privilege.
The three-month-old tots never wear the same clothes twice - and their priciest items are £500 for a matching pair.
Businesswoman Louise Hill, 36, and her husband Dan, who appears on TV's Storage Hunters UK, say they want the best for their twins having spent a long time trying to conceive through IVF.
他们的母亲路易斯·希尔今年36岁,是企业家,父亲丹则是英剧《Storage Hunters》中的演员。这对夫妇表示,他们想要给这两个孩子最好的,因为这对双胞胎来之不易,是他们多次试管受精才怀上的。
Louise told MailOnline: 'We thought we might not have children so it was quite an emotional moment when we did manage to conceive - after such heartache I did go a bit bonkers!
The cheapest outfits in the twins' wardrobe are Marks & Spencer sleepsuits - which cost £35 a pair - while the more expensive ones include £210 outfits by royal designer Rachel Riley, who charges £100 for a knitted cardigan.
这对双胞胎的衣柜里最便宜的马莎的睡袍,一件35英镑(约合人民币331元),稍贵一点的有英国儿童奢侈品牌Rachel Riley的价值210英镑的外套,该品牌的针织羊毛衫一件要100英镑(约合人民币1988元)。
The couple have also been quick to dismiss the suggestion that their children are spoilt and instead say the reaction to their lavish spending from friends and family has been positive.
'Some people may look at it as them being spoilt but if someone couldn't have a child and then they finally did give birth then they would want to give that baby everything they possible could.'
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