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In today's society, it's hard to imagine going a day without our phones. While we have the world virtually at our fingertips, our smartphones are no longer just a means of communication — they are also a means of entertainment. And what better way to kill time than to play games on the go?
According to annual research conducted by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) released this April, approximately 35 percent of gamers play video games on their smartphones.
Smartphones and tablets have transformed the way in which we game. No longer do people need to be in front of their PC or gaming consoles. They don't even need to buy – or carry around – a Nintendo DS, PSP or (if you're feeling nostalgic) a Game Boy.
智能手机和平板目前正改变着我们游戏的方式,游戏已经不再需要被绑定在电脑或者家用游戏机上,他们甚至不再需要购买任天堂DS、PSP或者是Game Boy。
But this doesn't mean that gamers have stopped using consoles. The ESA found that 155 million Americans play video games, and 51 percent of U.S. households own a game console. Among households that own a gaming device, 56 percent play games on a console, whereas 35 percent use their smartphone.
So what lies ahead for both mobile gaming and game consoles? Bore speaking on their future, it's important to look at how far they've come.
The Past & The Present
The first commercial video game console was the 1972 Magnavox Odyssey, which lead to the creation of a laundry list of consoles. That includes the Atari 2600 VCS (1977), the Nintendo Entertainment System (1985), Sega Genesis (1989), Sony's Playstation (1995), and Microsoft's Xbox (2001) and Xbox 360 (2005), Nintendo's Wii U (2012) and PS4 (2013) — just to highlight a few.
第一款商业化的游戏主机是1972年的MO(Magnavox Odyssey),这也同时引起了后来一系列家用游戏机的问世。其中包括1977年的VCS,1985年的NES,1989年的世嘉土星,1995年的PS,2001年的Xbox,2005年的Xbox 360,2012年的Wii U以及2013年的PS4,这里仅仅只提出一些具有亮点的代表性主机。
Mobile gaming can be dated back to the 1976 release of the Mattel Electronic Auto Race. Credited as the first handheld electronic game, it introduced the world to a new kind of gaming. Then, starting in the '80s, Nintendo, Atari and Sega all entered the race with their own handheld devices.
But the industry of mobile gaming as we know it emerged in the late '90s — when the first pre-installed mobile game, Snake, was released on Nokia 6110 in 1997.
In 2004, Nokia attempted to merge mobile phones and gaming into one product with the N-Gage, but it appeared that people still prerred keeping the two separate. That same year, Nintendo released the DS, followed by Sony's Playstation Portable (PSP), which was the most technically advanced handheld console on the market. Not only did the PSP use optical disc format instead of cartridges, but it also allowed gamers to browse the Internet from the device.
Then Apple drastically changed the mobile industry with the release of the first generation iPhone. Marking the start of the smartphone era in 2007, Apple released the iPhone 2G — a phone that had a desktop-like interface, impressive hardware and ran on iOS, which is optimized for complex games.
In July of 2008, the App Store opened with 500 apps, followed by Google's Android OS and app store — originally called Android Market, what we now know as Google Play.
2008年7月,APP Store开放了500款应用,然后紧随而来的就是Google开发的Android系统以及应用商店,最开始称之为安卓市场,现在则是我们熟知的Google Play。
While some games saw success after the initial launch of iOS and Android app stores, none was more explosive than the 2009 release on Angry Birds. Its success sparked the increase in the number and quality of games, leading to the creations of titles like Temple Run, Draw Something, Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga.
These games helped shape the industry to include social, interactive and engaging games, targeted for all demographics.
According to the ESA's 2014 report, adult female gamers who played on both consoles and mobile devices increased by eight percent from 2010. Women became just as likely as men to play games on their phones, with casual games like Candy Crush Saga and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood hooking a new demographic.
A Look To The Future
Sony and Nintendo have both blamed poor sales of their most current portable consoles, the Vita and 3DS, on the rise of the smartphone gaming industry. However, Sony went on to release the Vita Slim last year, and Nintendo rolled out the 3DS XL in February, in an attempt to compete with the mobile gaming market.
随着手机游戏的兴起,索尼与任天堂推出的Vita和3DS都受到了巨大的冲击,导致销量一蹶不振。然而,让他们越战越勇的是,索尼在去年发布了新款Vita Slim,而任天堂也在2月发布了3DS XL,其目的是为了充分与游戏市场竞争。
In today's market, video game publishers like Activision Blizzard and Nintendo find themselves struggling, whereas mobile app developers like Supercell and King Digital continue to grow. With over 430 new games added to the App Store each day, it only makes sense that Japanese developer and publisher Konami Cooperation recently announced that its main platform will be on smartphones, instead of AAA games.
在如今的市场中,视频游戏的发行商例如暴雪与任天堂,正发现其逐渐的陷入挣扎,而与此同时,移动APP开发者例如Supercell以及King Digital正在持续程航,每天为App Store新增的游戏达到430个,与此同时能够从中看出意义的是,日本的开发商以及发型航Konami日前宣布将建立智能手机平台作为其推动主力来取代原有的3A游戏。
"Mobile is where the future of gaming lies," Konami CEO Hideki Hayakawa told Nikkei. "With multiplatform games, there's really no point in dividing the market into categories anymore. Mobiles will take on the new role of linking the general public to the gaming world."
“手机正成为游戏的未来”,Konami的CEO Hideki Hayakawa如此说道,“随着跨平台游戏的出现,毫无疑问市场将进一步的被细分化,手机也将成为连接公众游戏世界的新角色。”
And with new technologies like wearables hitting shelves, mobile gaming will continue to evolve and be integrated into everyday tasks. Just look at all the fitness tracking devices and apps that add gaming qualities, like Pokéwalker or Zombies, Run!
But that doesn't mean that game consoles will becomes obsolete. Peter Warman, chi executive at the video game research firm Newzoo told Forbes that "mobile gaming does not replace console or PC gaming."
但这一系列的趋势并不意味着家用主机及终端将会被淘汰,NewZoo的CEO,Peter Wanman这么回答道,“手机游戏并不可能取代家用主机与PC游戏”
Newzoo predicts that console games will make up $11.1 billion – compared with mobile games' $7.2 billion – of the expected $24.05 billion game revenue in the U.S. this year.
In order to appeal to the new gaming market, console and computer games often release companion apps to continue the gamer experience. Some of these include FIFA 15, in which gamers can build a team from their phones and then jump onto the console game; iFruit, Grand Tht Auto's companion app that allows gamers to customize their cars; and Assassin's Creed Unit Companion App, where players solve exclusive puzzles to open up Nomad Missions.
Apple Watch and Android Wear will continue to change mobile gaming, and the industry will continue to make bank off of freemium games. Everyone from your mom to your friends to your boss probably plays some kind of game on their smartphones — which makes me wonder, will game consoles one day be a thing of the past?
Not likely. Where there are gamers, there will always be that desire to play on consoles. While I wait to see what the next generation of game consoles has in store for us, for now, I have no problem killing time with a little Ball King.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲