

A Game of Thrones“权力的游戏”中英双语阅读详解.

2017/08/13 20:51:12 编辑: 浏览次数:1010 移动端

  Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and gracul and slender as a knife. Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. He wore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskin gloves, and a fine supple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiled leather. Ser Waymar had been a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch for less than half a year, but no one could say he had not prepared for his vocation. At least insofar as his wardrobe was concerned.



  ancient:古老的,存在很久的事物或先民。在欧美社会这个词常用来指代他们文化的发源——希腊和罗马(very old, or having existed for a long time , especially classical Greece or Rome)

  heir:继承人(someone has the right to inherit a person's money, property, or title when that person dies)


  slim 表示苗条,也是比较好的一词。

  thin 是我们最先学到的表示瘦的词,这个词本来是比较中性的,但是由于和fat 相对, 所以也有人觉得不礼貌了。

  skinny 则是瘦得皮包骨头。skin皮肤。

  mount:加上ain 就成了mountain。这里的mount 是动词性质的,指骑上高头大马----想象一下爬上马背的样子。

  destrier:指优良的战马。它不是马的品种而是等级。 古代战马不是仅仅要求速度快,还要有长途奔袭的耐力,而且身材高(制高点)重心稳(以免人仰马翻),体型还不能大(目标小)。一般骑士的坐骑是rouncey, 更好的称为courser, 而destrier则是最好的战马。一匹destrier 的价钱可值七匹courser。另外courser再加一个字母a 就成了coursera,是目前顶尖的免费教育平台。course (课程) + era(纪元)



  wore:wear 的过去式,过去分词worn。

  moleskin:mole 鼹鼠,moleskin 鼹鼠皮。




  ringmail:链子甲。mail这个词最早是指士兵穿着的小片金属铠甲。ring则是指环状连接的。ringmail 将铁环缝制在皮革上,只能防护一般的砍,而对于穿刺防护效果则不好。这种铠甲并未在考古界找到实物(因为皮革等会被腐蚀掉)。chainmail,锁子甲,是另一种锁链铠甲,制作非常的复杂,也不是一般的骑士能负担得起的。

  armor 则是指那种整体的装甲,一般指整块金属制成的,皮革制成的甲则是leather armor

  had been … for less than half a year, 注意时态上的对应, 这句话的意思是: Waymar 成为发过誓言的守夜人不到半年。从发誓的时间点到事情发生的时间点是一段时间,less than half a year (积累时间的表达,不到半年),用引导词for,对应的要用完成时态have done。 这里表示状态的,使用的系动词be ,所以推导出来是have been。 由于说的是过去的一件事,所以时态上就成了had been了。时态的概念在汉语中是没有的,所以我们汉语学习者要去适应说话的时态逻辑。

  sworn:swear 的过去分词,swore则是过去式,特殊变化。这里是分词作形容词,表示发过誓的。

  No one could say he had not prepared for his vocation.

  双重否定,表肯定。没人能说他没为度假而准备好。say 后边使用了一个宾语从句,省略了that。当that引导宾语从句时,从句本身是完整的,that 不作成分只起到连接作用,可以省略。但是有几种情况是不能省略的: (1)当从句中的主语本身就是that 时,就不能省略了。He said that that car is his. (2) 当从句是复合从句时,He said that if he were there, he would help us. (3) 当有插入语的时候,It says here, on the notice, that we won the war.

  his wardrobe was concerned.

  someone be concerned, 就某人关心的是。句子中常会见到As far as sb be concerned, 相当于in sb’s opinion。在四六级作文中提出观点的时候这么写:As far as I am concerned, … 是不是比千篇一律的in my opinion 要强得多,而且不知不觉字数就上去了。这里非常生动把Waymar的衣橱拟人化了,非常的幽默。

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