您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 7个让你的博客非常有影响力的方法.
1. Be Brutally Honest
Honesty is always the best policy–especially when writing. Even fiction writers are honest. Authors like Stephen King and J.K. Rowling base their fictional stories on true facts. They extensively research the subjects they write about, and they’re honest when describing the fantasy worlds and stories in their imaginations. This is what makes them successful. Learning to speak and think honestly is a skill we learn, and blogging is a great way to start.
2. Stick to Your Passions
If you’re not passionate about what you’re writing about, you’ll never be seen as an authority on the topic. You’ll always be behind and provide old (or inaccurate) info. Your creative well will run dry rather quickly. No matter what you’re passionate about, you can create a blog around it.
3. Ignore the Haters
No matter who you are or what you do, you’ll face your share of haters. These people will pour their Hater down your throat, telling you that everything you do is wrong, and you will fail. There are various ways to deal with haters, but my personal favorite is the acquaintance zone, which is a distant and much more insulting friend zone, as you leave these people in limbo. Kindly brush those haters off–don’t even acknowledge their words. Simply shut them down and move on.
不管你是谁或你做什么,你将面对你的仇敌。这些人要将他们的仇恨塞进你的你喉咙,且告诉你所做的一切都是错的, 那样你就会失败。对付仇敌有多种方法,但我个人最喜欢的是熟人区,这是一个遥远而更侮辱的朋友圈,当你离开这些人夹在了中间。请甩掉那些仇敌甚至不承认他们的话。简单地关闭,然后继续前进。
4. Find Your Voice
If you follow the three steps above, you’ll start to develop your true voice. Once you find your voice, writing becomes much easier. Rather than thinking of what to write, you begin to write in a stream-of-consciousness manner. You’re no longer searching for words, but for topics to lend your voice to. It’s a subtle difference, but it changes everything.
5. Keep Writing
If you want to be a writer, you have to keep writing. You can stress about all the imperfections, fears, and other details, but continue to write. When I started, I only wrote once, maybe twice, a week. My average over the last six months is four pages per day.
6. Seriously… Write More
Michael Jordan got good at basketball by playing. Rihanna got good at singing by singing. The only way you’ll ever become a better writer is by writing. Push yourself to continue writing. Even if nobody reads it, it’ll make your site look fuller by the time someone does. Nobody wants to hit a site that only has one blog and nothing else. A deep archive makes it look like you belong there. Keep writing.
迈克尔?乔丹擅长篮球, 通过练习打篮球。蕾哈娜擅长唱歌通过练习唱歌。你成为一个更好的作家的唯一途径是通过编写。强迫自己继续写作。即使没有人读它,它会让你的网站看起来更饱满。没有人愿意触及的网站,只有一个博客。深归档使它看起来像你属于那里。继续写。
7. The Devil Is in the Details
The hardest part about writing is formatting. It’s not that it’s technically hard; HTML is a simple language to learn. You must be very detail-oriented, though. Learn SEO tactics to ensure maximum visibility of your blog. Pay attention to picture titles, captions, file names, and tags. Ensure every page has a header, a picture, and links to other sections of your blog. Every detail counts, and it’ll keep people on your blog longer, which will continue to help your site.
最难的部分是写作格式。这并不是说技术上很难; 超文本标记语言是一个简单的语言学习。虽然你必须非常注意细节。学习搜索引擎优化策略来确保你的博客的能见度高。注意图片标题、题注、文件名称和标记。确保每个页面都有一个标题,图片,链接到你的博客的其他部分。每一个细节都很重要,它会让人们继续留在你的博客上,这将继续帮助你的网站。
Blogging looks simple on the surface–everyone has an opinion to share. The difference between James Altucher and Joe Schmo lies in the amount of fort put into it. If you’re not willing to dedicate the time and fort necessary to succeed, you’ll always be outshined by the thousands who are. Roll up your sleeves, get your quill out, and get to writing.
Keep The Change零钱不用找了
Selling secondhand books at our church bazaar,I got into an argument with a prospective customer. He was interested in buying The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash but claimed it was overpriced at 35 cents. Other paperbacks were selling for 10 or 15 cents each.
I pointed out that the book was in good condition. Nash was a fun poet,and it was for a good cause. He said it was a matter of principle.Ultimately, I agreed to sell him the book for 15 cents. Triumphant,he paid with a $10 bill.“Keep the change,”he said.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲