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It's our natural tendency to live life in a "time famine," always going from one thing to thenext with no real moments of pause. As Agapi Stassinopoulos put it in a recent HuffPost blog,our actual task list isn't the problem, it's our glorification of it. "It's not that we are not busyand we don't have a lot to do, but it's as if our whole selves -- body, mind and spirit -- arebeing wrapped up in our daily to-do list and we utterly lose perspective of the whole picture,"she wrote. Taking some time to relax can offer numerous health and happiness benits -- soit's time to stop excusing ourselves from a little downtime。
If we're always plugged into our jobs, sooner or later burnout will catch up to us. Making sometime for a vacation -- whether it's a week or a weekend -- not only has the potential toincrease your happiness levels, but can provide the perfect opportunity to recharge. Ditch yourphones, ditch your emails and just be. You'll be much more productive when you come back。
That's not to say we should all be spending outside of our means, but when anopportunity of alifetime comes into play -- why not grab it? Studies have shown that we are happier when weput our finances toward experiences not things. That weekly Chipotle habit or monthlysundress splurge may seem harmless at first, but wouldn't you rather indulge in one trip orconcert of a lifetime instead?
How many times have we postponed our dreams? We become so bogged down by our to-dolists that we forget about our bucket lists -- and bore we know it, a large chunk of time haspassed. Studies have shown that having specific goals and going for them can boost ourhappiness. So whether it's that trip to Spain or just the aim to make someone smile, don't putit off until later. Besides, procrastination isn't really good for you, anyway。
Trying new experiences can be scary -- but they also can be incredibly liberating. As author JanCloninger pointed out in a 2013 HuffPost blog, one of the most common reasons people don'tmeditate is because they say they don't know how and simply give up. "Mindfulness issomething that is developed," she wrote. "Like anything else we try to master, it takes time andpractice." The longevity of the phrase "practice makes perfect" isn't coincidental -- it existsbecause it's true. And once you try something (like meditating), you'll better yourself andbetter your capacity to feel joy。
尝试新鲜事物也许让人害怕——但它们给人带来异常的释放感。正如作家Jan Cloninger 2013年在赫芬顿邮报的博客中指出,大多数人不去冥想的其中一个原因是他们不知道该怎么办,于是就轻易地放弃了。她说,“冥想是循序渐进的,就像我们想要掌握的其他技能一样,它也需要时间和多次练习。”“熟能生巧”是有道理的,一旦你开始尝试某件事(例如冥想),你会提高自己,提高自己感知快乐的能力。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲
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