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Critics slam OCR chi for saying pupils should be allowed to use Google when sitting GCSE andA-level exams.
Mark Dawe, the OCR exam board chi executive, said introducing tools like Google orcalculators will help teachers assess the way students draw on information and apply it to theirlearning.
He said everyone has Google available to them and students will only have a limited amount oftime to conduct online searches anyway.
Speaking to the Telegraph, Mr Dawe said: "Everyone has a computer available to solve aproblem but it’s then about how they interpret the results. We have tools, like Google, whywould you exclude those from students’ learning?
"Surely when they learn in the classroom, everyone uses Google if there is a question. It ismore about understanding what results you’re seeing rather than keeping all of that knowledgein your head because that’s not how the modern world works."
He compared the idea of introducing Google to examinations to the old-age debate aboutwhether to have books available during a test. He said: "In reality you didn’t have too muchtime [to consult the book] and you had to learn it anyway."
道先生认为,在考试中使用谷歌的想法就好比争论已久的辩题——是否可以在考试中翻阅参考书。道还称, "实际上,你并没有太多的时间(翻阅参考书),无论如何你都得学习。"
But Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said the idea would lead to a"dumbing down of standards".
He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "It's a nonsense.
克里斯还在英国广播公司(BBC)Radio 4的《今日》节目中说,"这简直胡来。"
"We have a crisis in standards in this country. We are three years behind the Chinese at theage of 15, we have got universities running remedial courses."
"We have got employers saying too many youngsters are unemployable."
"And here we have the OCR board saying 'let's dumb things down'.
"You can have an exam on how to use Google, but that is not the same as having a history orgeography exam."
"Exams should be about knowledge and understanding. It includes knowledge, therore we dohave to test what children are carrying the in their heads."
Despite his enthusiasm about the introduction of technology during examinations, he said thisreality was at least a decade away in the UK. He added: "It is important that parents andteachers understand and believe this is fair. The government would need to ensure they havethe right regulation to ensure the quality of standards are maintained."
This isn't the first time it has been suggested Google is used during exams. Last year a Harvardphysics professor said schoolchildren must be allowed to have access to the internet.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲