您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 地球海洋中十大最强生物(1).
The five oceans contain some of the greatest mysteries on the planet, and scientists estimatethat nearly two-thirds of marine life remain completely unknown to us. Marine life is incrediblydiverse and sometimes feels as old as time, and some of the oldest animals in existence live inthe sea. The oceans are home to some of the largest and most powerful animals on Earth. Theycome from many different groups, too. Some are mammals, some are reptiles and some arish. Some species have been seriously studied by scientists both in nature reserves and intheir natural habitats, but other species remain elusive and even mysterious. The wonders ofthe sea have been immortalized in literature and Hollywood films, yet they are still rarelyportrayed accurately. Films and novels often make these powerful creatures out to beenormous, bloodthirsty monsters when in reality, most of these species would probably ratherthat humans lt them alone and respected their habitat.Here is a list of ten of the strongestanimals in the our miraculous seas:
10.Killer Whales
Killer whales, also known as orcas, will prey on almost any animal they find either in the sea oreven in the air over the water. Killer whales are the largest species of the dolphin family, andthey can weigh up to six tons and grow to almost 32 feet long. Their size makes them thelargest warm-blooded animal predator currently in existence. Killer whales have unique teethwhich can grow up to four inches long. Killer whales can live in many sea environments includingoceans, seas and coastal areas. They travel long distances, and they can live almost anywhere,from near the equator to the most chilly northern waters. These beautiful creatures also live ingroups called pods. The pods have a social hierarchy, but despite this, the killer whales alsoform bonds between one another. Killer whales are considered to be at the top of their foodchain because they have no predators except for humans. A killer whale's teeth are very large,they are a unique shape and their teeth often number between 40-56 in total. A killer whaledoes not chew its food. Instead, because of the unique makeup of the teeth, an orca uses itsteeth to tear it into small pieces bore swallowing.
Despite their name, killer whales do not attack humans. Killer whales will eat seals, porpoises,sea lions and even small whales and sharks. In one instance, a killer whale was caught holdinga shark upside-down and forcing it to suffocate. Because they are top predators, killer whalesmay have long life spans. Provided they survive the first six months of their life, a female maylive 46 to 50 years and a male may live up to 38 years old.
9.Great White Sharks
Great White Sharks are one of the most famous creatures in the sea thanks to Hollywoodmovies, such as “Jaws.” Unlike whales, sharks are fish, not mammals. They are also dinitelycarnivorous. Great white sharks can grow up 15 or 20 feet in length and weigh 5,000 pounds ormore, making them the largest predatory fish in the sea. Despite their size, they can swim up to15 miles per hour and even breach (throw themselves out of the water). Great White Sharkshave one of the strongest bites of all fish, and their teeth cut through flesh like a knife throughwarm butter. Their bite force is said to be one ton per square inch. It is their teeth that maketheir bites so powerful and devastating, as they have up to 300 serrated triangle shapedteeth in several rows.
因为好莱坞电影题材经常涉及大白鲨,如《大白鲨》,大白鲨俨然成了海洋生物明星。鲨鱼不是哺乳动物,而是鱼类,这与哺乳动物鲸不同,但它们也是肉食动物。大白鲨体长可达15到20英尺长,重达5000英镑,甚至更重,这让它们成了海洋中最大的捕食性鱼类。它们体型虽大, 但却可游出15英里/时的骄绩,甚至跃出水面(就像自己把自己扔出水面)。大白鲨的咬合力在鱼类中独一无二,它们吃肉时,牙齿就像切软化黄油的刀子。鲨鱼的咬合力据说高达1吨/英寸。大白鲨的牙齿多达300颗,呈三角形,锯齿状,分列几排;正是有了这些牙齿,它们的咬合力才如此之大,无坚不摧。
Great white sharks are warm blooded, which allows them to live in different water temperatureslike the coastal regions of Australia, South Africa, California and the northern United States.Their warm blood and their power allows them to swim throughout the water, and it is notunusual to find them both on the surface and at depths up to 820 feet. Great white sharks livein small groups called a school, but they do not hunt together. These sharks know howpowerful they are, as they slap each other to avoid serious fights because one bite fromanother shark can do serious permanent damage that they would rather avoid. The powerand the adaptability of a great white shark can allow it to live up to 70 years, which is longerthan the average lifespans of some humans.
Great white sharks are often branded as killers of humans, but they perpetrate only around 10attacks a year and not all attacks are fatal. In some cases, the shark gives a warning bitebore letting go of the human.
8.Giant Pacific Octopus
The giant pacific octopus is a carnivorous octopus that can grow from 10 to 16 feet long andweigh up to 100 pounds. It is the biggest octopus of the species with the biggest giant pacificoctopus ever recorded measuring at 30 feet across and weighing over 600 pounds. A giantpacific octopus usually feasts on shrimp, clams, and lobsters, but they are strong enough tohunt and eat sharks, too They use their mouths to puncture and tear flesh bore swallowingtheir food.
太平洋巨型章鱼属食肉型章鱼, 体长可达10-16英尺, 体重可达100英磅。记录在案的最大的太平洋巨型章鱼有30英尺宽、600多英磅重。通常情况下,太平洋巨型章鱼以虾、蛤蜊和龙虾为食,但同时它们也有能力捕食鲨鱼。通常它们会用嘴咬穿猎物, 将其撕开,然后再加以吞咽。
An octopus's tentacles and teeth are strong, but what is really fascinating is the strength ofits suckers. An octopus's suckers can move independently of the tentacles and even “taste” thewater around them. Even though the tissue that an octopus's suckers are made of resemblesthe same softness of jellyfish jelly, they are able to latch on to many different surfaces and notlet go, even on uneven underwater surfaces. Scientists have tried to mimic an octopus'ssuckers, but so far they have never been able to replicate the ones found in nature. Yet, theoctopus's suckers are the prototype for what may be a whole new generation of attachmentdevices.
Octopuses are very intelligent creatures. In labs, they have been taught how to mimic anotheroctopus and even how to solve mazes. In the wild, they are known for tormenting theirneighbors in the sea. They can be found juggling crabs and throwing things at other seacreatures. Octopuses have even been taught how to open a jar, and thankfully, the scientiststhat taught them will probably struggle with a pickle jar again.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲