


2017/08/13 20:35:23 编辑: 浏览次数:314 移动端

  Men enjoy half an hour more of leisure time each day than women, a report claims.


  The international survey found that men spent longer watching television, meeting friends,playing sport or pursuing hobbies than the fairer sex.


  The Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development, made up of the world's richestnations, said that British men ranked close behind France and America in the league table ofcountries where women work harder than men.


  The report, released to mark International Women's Day, called for greater equality for women.


  It said that "governments and firms need to do more to tackle the gender equality gap."


  Previous OECD reports have suggested that the difference may be more to do with how eachsex chooses to spend its time which was not taken into account in the new report.

  经合组织之前发布的报告表明,男女休闲时间的差别可能更多的与 他们如何安排自己的时间有关,而最新发布的报告中没有考虑这一点。

  The OECD concluded that shopping, soaking in the bath, grooming, having a lie-in or taking along lunch all count as work rather than leisure.


  If these are taken into account British men have only 10 minutes more spare time a day thanwomen.

  如果把这些活动计入休闲,那么英国男性每天的休闲时间 只比女性多10分钟。

  The report said: "Men universally report spending more time in activities counted as leisurethan women. Gender differences in leisure time are wide across OECD countries."

  报告说:“普遍来看,男性报告的休闲类活动时间多于女性。休闲 时间上的性别差异在经合组织成员国中广泛存在。”

  The 32-minute leisure advantage for men in Britain compares with 38 minutes in the US, 33minutes in France, 50 minutes in Belgium and 22 minutes in Germany.

  英国男性的休闲时间比女性多32分钟,美国男性多38分钟,法国男性多33分钟,比利 时男性多50分钟,德国男性则多出22分钟。

  Italian men spend nearly 80 minutes a day more than women on leisure time.


  Across the OECD countries, 62 per cent of women have jobs, and women earn a fifth less thanmen, said the Daily Mail.

  据《每日邮报》报道,在经 合组织国家中,62%的女性有工作,而女性的收入比男性少五分之一。

  Officials said the gap was a result of women taking time off work to concentrate on bringing uptheir children.


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