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  8.Establish small habits to create new traditions for your family.


  "Happy families often have some special weekend activity that everyone loves but no one has toplan each time," Vanderkam writes.


  It could be as simple as making pancakes or taking a stroll on a Sunday evening.Whateveryou'd like to implement, make it a ritual.Soon they will become traditions, and traditionsbecome comforting memories, which are proven to boost happiness.


  9.Set aside specific hours for down time, and turn off your phone.


  It's important to schedule down time, because otherwise you may never unplug.Like siestas inSpain, you don't necessarily need to sleep and may choose to watch a movie or read.The time ismeant to relax.


  10.Be sure to make plans for Sunday night so you don't sit around stressing aboutyour job.


  Planning something for Sunday nights is an easy way to avoid stressing about work inanticipation of Monday.That can happen even when you like your job, but for people who don'tlike their jobs, Sunday night stress can be draining and sad.


  To combat this, Vanderkam suggests scheduling something during these hours because itextends the weekend and keeps you focused on the fun to come, rather than the nextmorning.

  要想摆脱这个魔咒, 凡德卡姆建议把这个时间段安排一些事,这能延长周末让你集中精力享乐而非担忧周一。


  11.Keep chores, errands, and busy work to a minimum on your days off.


  There are always things you have to do, but keeping chores to a minimum on the weekends isreally important.


  Finishing chores shouldn't be central to your weekend because they often expand to fillavailable time.Instead, try to do a chore each day during the week.If that's not possible thenset aside small windows of time during the weekend.For example, set a half an hour on a Fridaynight between dinner and when you watch a movie to put away the laundry, or 20 minutesbetween your piano lesson and bike ride on Saturday morning to empty the garbage.


  Setting small amounts of time will motivate you to get chores done quickly.


  12.Make sure to unplug completely for at least a few hours.


  Have a tech "Sabbath" day — or at least a few hours on the weekend when you unplug fromyour email and professional life.


  Although it becomes harder to do that with smartphones and demanding careers, Vanderkamrecommends hiding your mail icon on your phone during your "Sabbath," so you are not eventempted to click on messages that spill into your inbox.You may not be able to completelyavoid working on the weekends, but you can at least carve out a few hours.


  13.If you live to be 80, you'll have 4,160 weekends in total, so don't let any go towaste.


  Four thousand weekends isn't all that much.It's very easy to feel overwhelmed and simply donothing (or meaningless things).But by falling into that trap, Vanderkam points out you maymiss the best parts of your own life.

  四千个周末其实并不多。很容易就会在无所事事中度过(或做的都是无意义的事情)。凡德卡姆指出,如果陷入这样的循环, 你会错过生活最精彩的部分。

  Too often people don't think about what they'd like to do and wind up living constrainedversions of life, doing little tasks on a to-do list.


  Vanderkam says, "What the most successful people know about weekends is that life cannothappen only in the future.It cannot wait for some day when we are less tired or less busy." Sostart with this weekend and do something.

  凡德卡姆说:“大部分的成功人士对于周末的认识是:生活不只存在于未来。我们不能等到哪一天不那么累不那么忙。” 所以从这周开始做点不一样的事情吧。

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