

地球不孤单 NASA宣布发现新地球.

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  NASA on Thursday announced the discovery of Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like planet everfound. Located 1,400 light-years from our planet, NASA called it "Earth 2.0," because it's thirst planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G star similar to our sun。


  "We can think of Kepler-452b as an older, bigger cousin to Earth, providing an opportunity tounderstand and rlect upon Earth's evolving environment," said Jon Jenkins, the Keplerdata analysis lead at NASA's Ames Research Center。“


  The planet is 5 percent farther away from its star than Earth is to the sun, making for aslightly longer year of 385 days, but gets similar light because its sun is 20 percent brighterthan our own。


  "The sunshine from this star would feel very similar to the sunshine from our star," Jenkins toldreporters。


  NASA believes the planet has a mass about five times more massive than Earth's, with arocky surface below a thicker atmosphere than our own. Gravity would be about twice asstrong on Kepler-452b as it is on Earth, NASA said。


  The planet is located in the Kepler-452 system in the constellation Cygnus. Its sun has thesame surface temperature as our own, but has a diameter that is 10 percent larger。


  While NASA scientists have no idea if Kepler-452b's atmosphere is conducive to life, they doknow that there has been plenty of time for organisms to develop。


  "It's awe-inspiring to consider this planet spent 6 billion years in the habitable zone of itsstar, which is longer the age of the Earth," Jenkins said. "That is considerable time andopportunity for life to arise somewhere on its surface or oceans if all the necessary conditionsfor life exist on this planet."


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