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I have, unfortunately, decided to resign from my job, and I will not be leaving on good terms. Ihave been subject to harassment and other unfair treatment, and have been fearful of beingterminated. Rather than pursue the legal route, I would rather extract myself, at someurgency, and retain what integrity I can.
While it is my direct manager who I feel is mistreating me, it is likely that I will see this personon a regular basis at meetings and conferences in our very small field. I do not wish to add toany negativity that she has already created.
Any tips on what to include, and what not to include, in a resignation letter? ANONYMOUS
When the circumstances of one’s departure are unpleasant, it can be tempting to use theresignation letter as a forum for getting the last word. That’s a mistake. As a general rule, it’sbetter to keep a resignation letter as minimal as the circumstances allow.
In some cases — and, I suspect, in this one — that can be very minimal. State that you’reresigning, and give adequate notice. Your dissatisfaction will be clear enough from the fact ofthe resignation itself, so there’s no need to reiterate it. Limit any explanation to theboilerplate basics, whether you’re “accepting a new opportunity” or have concluded this job is“not an ideal fit.”
If you want to send a no-hard-feelings signal for the sake of future conference-circuitencounters, put in some vaguely positive statement: You’ve enjoyed “aspects of the job” or“learned a lot.” (The latter phrase is handy because it sounds nice but could mean almostanything.)
If you want to go beyond that, examine your motives carully: It’s easy to rationalize mereventing as helpful advice.
As I’ve said in the past (in the context of exit interviews), I don’t think offering usul tips toyour soon-to-be-former employer needs to be a priority; you’re better off focusing on yourown future. And if your advice amounts to “So-and-so is a horrible manager,” you run the riskof your well-intentioned critique being interpreted as sour grapes — not helpful in a field whereyou may interact with past colleagues regularly.
Besides, if you think a frank discussion of your manager’s behavior with the higher-ups mightmake a difference, it would be far more helpful to you and your bosses to have it bore youquit. So what you might do is write two resignation letters. In the first one, hold nothing back:Vent with ruthless honesty and achieve full catharsis.
Now set that aside (where no one else will stumble upon it) and start over. This time, keep itconcise. Then, if you think there’s a chance of fixing the situation, have that honestconversation about your issues. If you’re not satisfied with the results, hand over Version 2 —and don’t look back.
Peer Review: Flexible Scheduling
I’m writing to object to your characterization of workplace scheduling that includes flexiblehours as being a recipe for chaos. When I arrived almost five years ago to be director ofsocial services at a hospital, the department was held in very low esteem by otherdepartments. Staff members did not seem to be able to find a social worker when they neededone. And when they did track one down, the response time was too long and not necessarilyhelpful.
Most of the social workers felt overworked, underpaid and unappreciated. Staff morale was inthe tank.
One of the critical components to turning this around was my introduction of self-scheduling.Every social worker now works the hours he or she chooses. Chaos? To the contrary. I nowhave a happy, smoothly operating team with high morale. LOS ANGELES
It’s a fair point: Flexible scheduling systems can certainly work, and I did not mean to implyotherwise. It’s usul to remember that freeing workers from overscheduling can dinitely havebenits — on morale and fectiveness.
But it’s all in the details, and even the most open scheduling system still has to function as asystem, with parameters and clear communication. If I can actually decide on the fly to leaveearly without warning anybody (the situation that the earlier reader described), friction seemsinevitable. And if everyone in your department takes Friday off, it’s hard for me to see how anycolleague who needs a social worker that day will be satisfied.
So the trick would be determining a staffing (or even task-specific) baseline and then givingeveryone as much freedom as possible. Even the much discussed “bossless” notion currentlyembraced by the online retailer Zappos, and intended to let workers manage themselves, has alot of rules.
Still, it’s certainly true that sometimes managers fail to recognize how significant it can be togive employees a sense of control over their work lives. Easing up on needlessly restrictiveschedule demands can do just that.
Reminder: Overcoming Age Bias
In my last column, I turned the tables and asked for readers’ advice on handling age bias inthe job market and workplace: As a practical matter, what can workers and managers do aboutit?
Thoughtful suggestions have been piling up in the Workologist’s inbox, but there is still time tochime in; I’ll be sharing highlights when I observe this column’s second anniversary nextmonth. In particular, if you’re a younger manager with thoughts on seeing beyond agedifferences, I’d love to hear more from that perspective.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲