


2017/08/13 20:32:25 编辑: 浏览次数:217 移动端

  We often expect that our careers will contain constant excitement and will always be anupwards climb. However, this simply is not true. There will be times when work is a little lessthan exciting and it is not just about climbing the career ladder. What can you do when youfeel that your career progression has stalled?


  How long must I wait bore I move on?


  Generally, you will spend time learning the job, mastering it and looking for your next position.The time for each of these phases is dependent on your competency, the dynamics of theposition and your organisation. Often you will be able to get a feel for the ‘residence time’ of aposition from looking around your organisation. You will see whether people generally spendtwo or three years or longer in a position. In more complex roles and industries, the residencetime may be longer.


  You can then objectively assess whether you are following that rate. It may be that there areoutliers in the organisation who are promoted quicker than this general rate. However,expecting to be promoted quicker than this norm may only lead to disappointment.


  You might also like to tap into your business school careers service. They may be able to guideyou on the general rate of advancement and what positions you can expect after a number ofyears.


  What can I do about a lack of progression?


  If you think you are starting to have outstayed your residence time in a position, you need tostart searching around for new opportunities. Talking to your manager about opportunitiescoming up is a good start. Try to also have a frank conversation about what the barriers aror you taking up new positions. This will help you develop a plan to overcome thesediciencies and will assist your manager in supporting your move.


  A mentor is always invaluable in this space. Talking to people about how their careers havedeveloped and what positions they have taken on will give you valuable data on which to baseyour expectations. You will also gain an ally for advancement if required.


  Another option is to look for leadership opportunities outside work — rotary clubs, charitywork, trustee or unpaid directorships. This will assist you in being able to demonstrateleadership and it can be invaluable on your CV.


  You might also gain some opportunities from your business school. Faculty may be able put youin touch with others in your field, contacts for a mentor or external leadership opportunities.


  What about a sideways move?


  A career is not always upward. This is an absolute truth. If we only moved upward then wewould not be able to understand all the different facets of complex industries. A chiexecutive who did not have a couple of sideways moves will have a shortlived leadership career.


  If there is not an upwards move available, there may be an avenue that you can use tobroaden your experience. This is important for general management positions as you will beable to gain a diverse knowledge of the organisation.


  If you wish to work in other areas of a company, then explore options such as secondments,job shadowing and taking on new projects. Also, ask your manager if it is possible to undertakesome training if you have gaps in your knowledge.


  What will turn a plateau into a slide?


  You are guaranteed to prolong your career plateau if you believe your own hype. We all knowwhat this looks like: no longer putting in the fort and lacking a positive attitude. It can be hardto keep professional, but it is very important to do so. Even if you have mentally checked out,you need to be positive as your colleagues will remember negative behaviour.


  If you are in a bit of a lull, look outside the workplace to recharge yourself — try a new skill orsport. Always have energy as you never know when you will need a favour from yourcolleagues.


  What happens when you do not move on?


  Sometimes there are simply no opportunities for advancement in your company. Your boss maybe new to their role, which will mean a significant wait bore any upwards move. Or yourcompany may be downsizing.


  Either way, it might be the time to move on to another organisation. If you have maintainedyour professionalism to the end, your colleagues and manager will respect your move to a rolewith more room to grow.


  Angela Ogier is manager of land access and portfolio at Santos GLNG, an Australian oil and gasexploration and production company. Previously, Ms Ogier was a manager of supply planningand optimisation at the same company. She is also an MBA 2004 graduate from the Universityof Cambridge’s Judge Business School in the UK.

  本文作者安杰拉攠吉尔是澳大利亚石油和天然气勘探生产公司Santos GLNG土地获得和投资组合经理,她此前在同一家公司担任供应规划和优化经理。她还是英国剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)佳奇商学院(Judge Business School)2004级MBA毕业生。


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