

一年收800件礼物 乔治成收礼小王子.

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  The answer, it seems, includes a possum fur cloak, a speedboat that doubles as a car, and a rather more traditional rocking horse.


  Whether Prince George will have time to enjoy any of these things is another matter, however – because they were just three of nearly 800 official gifts he was showered with last year.


  The impressive haul meant the 18-month-old received more presents than any other member of the British Royal Family.


  George also received a mini leather flying helmet from Lord Of The Rings film director Sir Peter Jackson, a baby BMX bike, a customised surfboard, a skateboard and a cuddly toy from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle.

  乔治还收到了一个迷你皮革飞行帽,来自电影《指环王》的导演彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)。美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和第一夫人米歇尔(Michelle)送了小乔治一辆儿童小轮越野车、一个定制冲浪版、一个滑板和一个抱抱熊。

  According to Kensington Palace, the future king received more than 250 games and toys on his inaugural royal tour to Australia and New Zealand last April, and more than 120 items of clothing.

  根据肯辛顿宫(Kensington Palace)的统计,2014年4月,在乔治的首次出访澳洲和新西兰之旅中,这位未来的小国王收到了250多件玩具和120多件衣服。

  There were also several dozen pieces of sporting equipment, well over 150 books and enough CDs and DVDs to keep him amused for a lifetime.


  Another one! George was presented with a wombat toy bigger than him by Sir Peter Cosgrove in Australia.


  Details of the presents were published yesterday in the official list of gifts given to the Royals in 2014. The exact value of each item is not listed, so as not to offend the giver, and many are also so unique the price is virtually impossible to calculate.


  The list of almost 2,000 items is not exhaustive, however, because Prince Charles’s private office and that of William, Kate and Harry at Kensington Palace only reveal gifts given on official foreign tours.


  Charles and Camilla were the recipients of some of the more expensive presents, including two ceremonial swords from King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.


  On the couple’s official tour to Colombia in the autumn, the Duchess of Cornwall was gifted a magnificent pair of gold and emerald earrings by the First Lady of Colombia, and a designer snakeskin handbag in Canada.


  The Queen received an eclectic range of goods, from a boot scraper to a seven-inch miniature throne from the popular TV series Game of Thrones, given to her on a visit to Northern Ireland.


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