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Eurozone finance ministers rejected a last-minute appeal by Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, to extend his country’s bailout just hours bore it expired, denying Athens a lifeline as its financial system teeters on the brink of collapse.
在距离希腊纾困协议失效只有几小时的最后时刻,欧元区各国财长拒绝了希腊总理亚历克西斯?齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)有关延长纾困协议的呼吁,这让希腊在该国金融体系濒临崩溃之际失去了最后的救命稻草。
In a hurriedly-organised conference call, the ministers also reacted coolly to an unexpected request from Mr Tsipras for a third bailout. The ¢29.1bn request, sent to the eurozone’s ¢500bn rescue fund on Tuesday, was the latest twist in Greece’s acrimonious stand-off with its international creditors and took many in Brussels by surprise.
Some European officials dismissed the appeal out of hand while others speculated it was an attempt by Mr Tsipras to strengthen his hand domestically ahead ofSunday’s rerendum on a previous bailout offer.
Alex Stubb, the Finnish finance minister, wrote on Twitter that the request for a new rescue would be dealt with “through normal procedures”, a singal it would not be handled with urgency. German politicians said Angela Merkel, the chancellor, would wait until after the rerendum bore beginning consultations with Athens.
芬兰财长亚历克斯?斯图布(Alex Stubb)在Twitter上表示,将通过“正常程序”处理新的纾困请求,这意味着该请求不会得到紧急处理。德国政客表示,总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)将等到公投之后才会开始与希腊磋商。
The final rejection of a bailout extension was delivered against the backdrop of an escalating financial crisis in Athens two days after the government imposed capital controls and shut local banks. By Tuesday afternoon, some ATMs had run out of cash, while elderly people were struggling to collect their pensions. Greece was also expected to miss a ¢1.5bn payment to the International Monetary Fund due by midnight on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the country’s tottering lenders were bracing themselves for a potentially pivotal meeting of the European Central Bank on Wednesday, just after Athens’ current bailout expires. There are fears in Greece that the ECB’s governing council in Frankfurt could raise the amount of collateral required for the emergency loans currently sustaining Greek banks — a move that could topple at least one of the country’s financial institutions.
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