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There is a good chance our parents scolded us as teens when we spit on the sidewalk. Ingeneral, spitting is usually frowned upon. Spitting on or at someone is seen as one of thegreatest insults one can give. It's even considered assault by the police. Members of the Maasaitribe in eastern central Africa, however, have a completely different way of seeing things. Theyspit at each other the same way we shake hands. As a matter of fact, they spit on their handsbore shaking just in case they forget to spit on each other later.
Most of us have been forced to endure conversations with elderly relatives who don't adhereto the phrase "Say it, don't spray it," but Maasai children have it worse. Polite children whosalute when they walk by their elders can expect a big, wet glob of saliva flying their way inresponse. Of course, it is done with the best of intentions, and accompanied by the elderwishing a long life upon the child. Friends and family come from miles around to spit on newbornbabies for the same reason.
The tribespeople spit for just about every occasion. They spit on any gift they are about togive. When they move into a new home, one of the first things they do is go outside and spit inthe four directions. They spit at anything they've never seen bore because they believe doingso protects their eyesight.
In most countries, slurping soup in public may cause our mothers to yell at us or our dates todisown us. However, in many Asian countries, such as China and Japan, slurping soup ornoodles is seen as high praise. It implies that the food is so good that the diner couldn't evenwait for it to cool off to eat it. Anyone who has scorched their mouth on a slice of deep-dishpizza with everything on it will probably agree that there may be some truth to this.
To eat without slurping may lead those nearby to assume the diner is unhappy with the food.In Japan, the same is true for tea. Slurping the last mouthful of tea loudly lets the host knowthe guest has finished and is satisfied. This cultural difference has led many Japanese visitors tofeel restricted in other countries where they are expected to dine quietly.
8.Sticking Out Your Tongue
In many countries, sticking out your tongue is usually accompanied by the phrase "Na, na, na-na-na!" At the very least, it is typically seen as a rebellious or teasing gesture. At most, it isan insult. This is why, in Italy, you can be fined for insulting behavior for doing it. While notillegal in India, sticking out one's tongue is negative and regarded as a sign of unbelievableanger.
However, the world is a large place, and in New Caledonia, the same gesture indicates a wishfor wisdom and energy. In Tibet, however, sticking out one's tongue is seen as the respectfulthing to do when greeting someone. It is said that this custom comes from the beli that anevil king had a black tongue, and it shows goodwill to prove that we are not an incarnationhim. This may explain why, in the Caroline Islands, sticking out tongues is believed to be a wayto banish demons. Although, to be fair, if the person sticking out their tongue hasn't brushedtheir teeth, then they would probably be able to banish anyone.
Flowers are often seen as an all-purpose gift. They are given for first dates, graduations,weddings, funerals, "get well soon" gifts, and apologies. It is actually for this reason that givingflowers can sometimes be viewed as rude if one is not carul. Chrysanthemums, lilies, gladioli,and other white flowers are symbolic of mourning, and they are used in funerals in manycountries. Carnations are common cemetery decorations in Germany and France. To givesomeone a bouquet of white flowers in China, or a carnation in France, may be interpreted assaying "Drop dead."
Yellow flowers represent hate in Russia and Iran, and purple flowers are bad luck in Italy andBrazil. Red flowers, roses especially, are intended only to express romantic interest inGermany and Italy. In the Czech Republic, flowers in general are seen as romantic gifts. So,giving one's teacher or boss flowers could result in a great deal of trouble. Even the number offlowers can be rude. In some countries, like France and Armenia, an even number of flowers isfor joyous occasions, and odd numbers are for grieving, while in countries like Thailand andChina, odd numbers tend to be lucky and even numbers tend to be ominous.
6.Cleaning Your Plate
Yes, we are all used to our parents telling us to clean our plate and not to waste food. In somecountries, however, a clean plate may confuse the host, and possibly insult them. In thePhilippines, North Africa, and some regions of China, the host will put more food on a plate onceit is clean. Even this requires a little game in North Africa: The host offers more, the guest saysno, the host offers again, the guest says no again, the host offers one more time, and theguest finally agrees. It is only when the guest leaves a little bit of food on their plate that thehost will assume they are full. Failure to do so in some situations can offend the host. They willsee a guest's clean plate as a signal that they were not served enough, and the host may feelthat they are being called cheap.
5.Doggie Bags
Asking for a doggie bag on a date may make a person appear cheap. The waiter may even givean annoyed look as he makes his way through the busy restaurant, filled with hungrycustomers waiting for him to take their order, all so he can retrieve a bag or box for somecustomer whose eyes were bigger than their stomach. In ancient Rome, however, doggie bagswere a way of life.
Whenever someone had friends over for dinner, he or she gave the guests a fine cloth napkin inwhich to take home fruit. This was more of a demand than a suggestion, as the decision to nottake home food was interpreted as an insult to the host. Furthermore, such a guest wouldquickly gain a reputation for being impolite and ungratul. Doggie bags can trace their originsback to ancient China as well. It was polite for a host to give guests white boxes to take foodhome in.
To tip or not to tip, that has long been the question. Usually, it comes down to whether wewant to appear cheap or not. Not tipping has been the cause of many dirty looks. It is also acommon reason why many first dates never lead to second ones. Some restaurants have evenbanned the custom in order to save their diners from being stressed out at the end of theirmeal.
Japan is light-years ahead. The Japanese are so unaccustomed to tipping that doing so tendsto result in confusion. The server wonders why he or she was given extra money, and thismay lead to a long awkward attempt to give it back. More importantly, tipping can be seen asan insult. It is sometimes seen as a charity that implies pity. In the event that a customerwants to express their gratitude, it is best to do so with a small gift. Or, if money is given, it isbest to place it in an envelope first, and then give it to the server.
3.Eating With Your Hands
Eating with your hands has always been the quickest way to upset parents at the dinner table.However, some countries would be insulted by your use of silverware. Eating a taco or burrito inMexico with a knife and fork in generally frowned upon. It isn't necessarily impolite, but it makesa person look like a snob. Using a knife to cut a boiled potato in Germany is frowned upon forsimilar reasons. Furthermore, using a knife to cut a potato may insult the cook. They see it asa way of saying that they didn't cook the potato until it was tender enough.
In many countries, like India, eating food by hand is the only way to go. They see this as themost natural way to eat, and the least violent. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister ofIndia, was said to have once joked, "Eating with a fork and knife is like making love through aninterpreter."
2.Being On Time
We've all had older relatives or teachers who scolded us and said something to the fect of, "Ifyou're on time, you're late. You're only on time if you're 10 minutes early." While this is goodadvice for going on a job interview or a date, in some parts of the world this would make usthe rudest person in the room.
In Tanzania, arriving to a function on time is disrespectful. All of the polite, well-manneredguests show up around 15 to 30 minutes late. This is partly due to the fact that not all citizenshave cars or even access to public transportation. Insisting that guests show up on time isseen as rude. In Mexico, it is polite to be fashionably late to a meeting or party as well. If onewere to show up on time, the host may not be prepared. They may feel rushed and insultedthat they were caught unprepared.
It isn't always easy to break the ice when meeting a new person or visiting someone's home forthe first time. Our most common tactic is to search for something we can compliment. "I likeyour shoes." "That is a nice tie." "I simply love what you've done with this place; what abeautiful sofa." In most countries, such praise usually causes the complimented party to smileor blush and say thank you, and thus the ice is harmlessly broken.
However, such compliments would be unwise in the Middle East as well as in African countrieslike Nigeria and Senegal. In such countries, complimenting an item is easily interpreted as awistful desire for said item. Due to their customs of hospitality, the host would feel obligatedto give the guest the item he or she complimented. Furthermore, according to tradition, whengiven a gift the recipient must reply by giving the giver an even larger gift. We can only hopethat the custom does not extend to complimenting someone's spouse or children.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲