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It is important that you remember that weight gain is a normal and healthy part of pregnancy.You have to gain weight in order to provide a healthy and comfortable home for the child thatyou will be nurturing for the next nine months。
Most women want to know what the ideal weight is during pregnancy. Honestly, there is noone answer. Weight gain will vary from woman to woman. There is no one ’ideal’ weight duringpregnancy, just like there is no one ’ideal’ weight that is just right for al women。
That said there are certain guidelines that you can follow to ensure that the weight you gainduring pregnancy is healthy。
If you are normal weight bore getting pregnant you should expect to gain between 25 and 35pounds throughout your pregnancy。
If you are underweight prior to pregnancy you will need to gain more weight, typically between28 and 40 pounds during your pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide youwith more specific guidelines。
If you are overweight when you become pregnant you will only need to gain between 15 and 25pounds during your pregnancy。
Keep in mind that if you are carrying multiples (twins or more) you will typically be asked to gaineven more weight, 45 pounds or more, depending on how many babies you are carrying。
When you become pregnant it is important that you avoid dieting. A healthy diet that iscomposed of food from each of the four food groups will help ensure that you gain the rightamount of weight during your pregnancy, making it easier to shed pounds after you givebirth。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲