

给生活新鲜刺激 跳出舒适的20种方法.

2017/08/13 20:19:35 编辑: 浏览次数:210 移动端


  1. Put your personal work out in the world so that it’s potentially vulnerable for negativecomments. A video on YouTube, a piece of writing online – anything that can be complimentedor critiqued, which will either boost your confidence or thicken your skin。


  2. Do something over-the-top embarrassing to make a fool of yourself. Take part in a dance-off, test out cheesy pickup lines, make preposterous requests at restaurants。



  3. Set a colossal ambition that will require you to discipline yourself and accomplish smallergoals first. e.g. Running a marathon that will require weeks or months of training。


  4. Allow a friend to make plans for you, giving them creative control of a night filled withunknown festivities. Comfort is all about knowing what to expect and having limited surprises,this will be a unique change of scenery。


  5. Read a book from a section you’d normally never set foot in. If autobiographies are normallyyour thing, check out a Teen-Fiction novel or Humor piece. Whatever is outside of the norm。


  6. Perform some type of public speaking, such as a poetry or reading at an open mic night。


  7. Pickup a new hobby that you currently have very little ability to do. Musical instruments,cooking, painting, writing, dancing, etc。


  8. Go on an adventure and explore a surrounding city or an area you’re unfamiliar with,using no GPS or assistance from your phone. Enjoy being lost and getting around only byinvestigating for yourself, and asking others for directions。


  9. It’s not always easy to express our feelings to the people we love the most. Make time forthe people you consider yourself closest to, and vocalize your care for them, despite how mucheasier it can be to think “I love you” than to say it。


  10. Go to a restaurant you’ve never actually been to and order something unique off of themenu. No cheeseburgers or salads, nothing you’ve had several times – and prerablysomething you struggle to pronounce。


  11. If you’ve grown comfortable doing things solo, start doing those activities with a friend. Ifyou only do things with friends, try going it alone. Trust me, seeing a movie by yourself issurprisingly pleasant。


  12. Make a new friend. No – that doesn’t mean add a random person on Facebook! At work, inclass or when you’re out, start a conversation IN PERSON, and make friends with someone。


  13. Take an improv class to get comfortable with unscripted interaction which, most of lifeconsists of。


  14. Switch up your daily routine drastically. If you’re a night owl, try hitting the hay early andwaking up at sunrise. If you’re an early bird, explore the wee hours of the night for a change。


  15. Limit your television watching. Replace that newfound time being active and living your life,as opposed to watching others。


  16. Take a financial risk that could result in a great reward。


  17. Choose one of your fears and confront it head-on. Don’t like heights? Try skydiving, hikinga mountain or going on a rooftop – whatever you can do, as long as the idea of it makes youuneasy。


  18. If at all possible, spend time around people more successful than you. Being surrounded byindividuals who’ve accomplished more than you can be benicial if used as inspiration andmotivation。


  19. Enter a competition in which the odds are stacked against you. Failure isn’t always a badthing, especially if it’s utilized properly. By losing and feeling a letdown, you should becomethirsty to try again or at least feel the glory of winning and success。


  20. Say “yes” to every single opportunity that presents itself, big or small. From an invite toan event you typically wouldn’t attend, to a job promotion in a different city. Some things arelife changers, and they should be embraced with open arms instead of shot down withoutconsideration。


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