

拥有爱好很重要 兴趣爱好的4大益处.

2017/08/13 20:19:08 编辑: 浏览次数:1068 移动端


  When people say they are overloaded or cannot keep up with their todos, it is usually the resultof taking on too much. Most of the time, I advise people that they need to “Say No” moreoften. Being able to “Say No” is key to avoiding being overcome by obligations others ask usto take on。


  There is one exception… when it comes to saying no to yourself。



  When the going gets rough and people start buckling down, they start saying no tothemselves first. After all, saying no to others is hard, saying no to yourself is easy。


  So, they begin denying themselves the things that keep them alive and energized. Leisureactivities, sports, spending time with their family, are often the first things to go。


  What is Your Hobby?


  When people ask for advice because they are too busy at work, one of the first things I askthem is, “What is your hobby?” To which they respond, “Are you kidding? I don’t have time fora hobby!”


  I tell them, “you don’t have time not to。” In fact, spending more time on yourself will result inmore time and productivity at work。


  Huh? How can spending time doing something else result in more time to get your work done?It does. It seems to go against the time management proverb of “get more done by doingless。” However, spending time on yourself results in more time and more focus in your otherendeavours。


  Finding Productivity in Leisure


  So, how does working out or painting or reading, get more done? (Some people are ready toclip this now and show it to their boss…“You want that report done? I gotta go to the gym,stat!”)


  People who are running ragged and cannot keep up with their commitments have oftenneglected themselves. You must keep your body and mind in top shape if you expect toperform at the top of your game。


  Here are just a few of the benits of having a hobby:


  1. Energizes You


  A hobby brings you renewed energy and excitement. This will carry over to the rest of youractivities。


  2. Provides New Creativity


  I find that when you are doing your hobby it sparks your creativity. You are more likely to havecreative breakthroughs. Solutions to problems you are facing will come to you。


  3. Prevents Burnout


  We know that anything, even a machine, doing the same thing over-and-over will eventuallyburnout. If you do not take a break to rresh yourself, you too will burnout. Interestingly, thisis also true in our personal lives. It is equally important for our home relationships to have anindividual hobby。


  4. Personal Growth


  We all need to keep growing both professionally and personally. I don’t care if your hobby isgardening, weightlifting, or reading, you will grow from it。


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