

上司比你年轻没关系 10个建议合理兼顾.

2017/08/13 20:18:47 编辑: 浏览次数:339 移动端



  1.Treat your young boss like you would any other boss:


  with complete respect from the word go. Your boss got the position because he or she has theright skills and impressed the superiors. It won't get you anywhere to spread rumors, gossipor innuendos about the boss and his or her age. It is far better to respect the evident skills theboss brings to the job and to concentrate on the ways that you can genuinely help him or her.Be open to the new possibilities of working with someone who is likely very talented。


  推荐:5个方法 就算上司吼你也能从容面对

  2. Focus on the positives of having a young boss。

  2. 关注年轻上司的优点。

  You will continue to feel uncomfortable if you look at all the negatives of the situation. Instead,see the pluses - the energy, dynamism, fresh ideas and new perspectives that a young bosscan bring to a workplace are all great assets. And it is highly likely that you have an intelligentboss, which is dinitely an asset。


  3.Take stock of your own skills。

  3. 对自己的能力做出评估。

  Although your boss is younger, you have plenty to offer - experience, maturity and theknowledge of how things will often pan out. In addition, it is likely that you are well-rounded attaking on numerous tasks at once and that you already have a well-developed and extensivenetwork of personal contacts and professional contacts from prior work. Focusing on yourown strengths may ease any feelings of insecurity or resentment towards your boss。


  4.Update your skills。

  4. 提升你的的知识技能。

  Especially if you have been out of the workforce for a time, there is likely to be a need in someareas of your career skills that need polishing or extending. It's particularly important to keepup with any market trends and technological developments that could improve yourfectiveness. Request to attend courses that will improve your skills and knowledge base. Thiswill not only bring you up-to-speed quickly but may also result in you being the key person theboss comes to for implementing the new skills。


  5. Speak up about your skills。

  5. 大声说出你可以。

  Do not be shy to let the boss know that you have good skills in certain areas. Withoutbragging or boasting, let him or her know what projects, activities and sales you have alreadyaccomplished in your life. Do this when it's appropriate--such as when making a case that acertain project should be assigned to you--rather than to convince someone that you'reright。


  6. Dress well。


  Just because you are older doesn't mean that you should present a frumpy, older image to theworld. Instead, continue to update your style and fashion sense so that it continues to rlecta professional, up-to-date image. Don't try to copy the boss and dress in styles that arepossibly unsuited to your age but do keep your existing wardrobe abreast of current trendsand styles。


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  7. Be a mentor。


  The natural tendency to help the young with the wisdom of the elders is not a bad thing toinstigate with care and gentleness. Be someone that the boss can rely on for advice andsounding of ideas. Take care not to come across as condescending or intrusive, but do impartyour knowledge with humility, goodwill and in the way of mentoring。


  8. Be known by all the bosses。


  When you get the opportunity to work with other bosses in the workplace, ensure that theyare aware of your skills and worth so that this will reinforce your importance and valueamongst the entire workplace。


  9. Raise issues assertively。


  As with any boss, do not feel that you cannot discuss issues directly with your boss. If youexperience discomfort because of your age gap, ask for a private moment and raise it tactfullyand respectfully. You may be surprised to find that your boss has similar feelings about the ageissues, or may have some very interesting perspectives that settle the issue satisfactorily foryou. You won't know until you ask。


  10. Invite your boss to social events occasionally。


  Take the boss to drinks or dinner with the office crew Friday night and get to know oneanother better. It'll probably make life a lot easier for all of you。




  If you are the younger boss, treat the employees with real respect. Recognize their good work,and do not let yourself feel threatened by experience. Lead by example, and people willunderstand why you're qualified and work with you much better。


  If your younger boss is incompetent, it will show early on and you can be sure that the othersuperiors are watching. There will be as much pressure on a young boss to perform as thereis on you to deal with answering to someone younger than you。




  Avoid making snide comments about "people your age X, Y, Z" or "when I was your age I coulddo it all by 5pm and then still do some". This will just make you appear boastful, unrealisticand probably a tad jealous。


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