


2017/08/13 20:17:42 编辑: 中国 浏览次数:552 移动端


  Some features of Chinese beauties have not changed for thousands of years while other facets are completely opposite of the traditional idea of beauty in China。



  For thousands of years, ‘creamy skin’ has been considered a staple of Chinese beauty. Often the phrases “transparent crystal” and “warm jade” are used to describe the beautiful skin. The standard for beautiful skin is not limited to a pure white skin color, but includes pink – rlecting the harmonious beauty of red touched with white。



  Dark, bright, thick and long hair is the only type considered traditionally beautiful when hair is concerned. People praise thick, black hair like streaks of clouds in the sky。


  Hairstyles throughout Chinese history have varied, influenced by a particular concubine who represents the style of each dynasty. Styles have ranged from straight hair (Zhang Lihua), curly hair (Zhao Hede), ornate hairdos (Zhao Feiyan) to hair that is gathered up on top of the head and decorated with various ornaments.



  The ideal features for Chinese women, however, are 'melon seed face' (the English translation would be an oval face, but with a pointed chin) and 'goose egg face'. Dating sites even list face shape as important information alongside build, age, etc.

  中国女性的理想美貌,则是“瓜子脸”(英文翻译该是oval face-鹅蛋脸, 不过是尖下巴)还有“鹅蛋脸“。约会网站还把脸型列为和住所、年龄等等一样的重要信息。


  In ancient China, the standard of beautiful eyes is not only focused on charm, but also a sense of propriety and class. Phrases "Like Autumn water" and "autumn moiré" have historically been used to describe the beauty of eyes. Therore, clear bright eyes represent the beauty standard. A poem written about Yang Guifei praises that "the enchanting eyes makes six palace powder women have no colour."



  “Tender bamboo shoots” and “white jade” are the classical phrases used to describe beautiful hands in ancient China. Fingers should be long, delicate and gracul, but not too spindly. In addition, beautiful hands had to be white, smooth and seemingly boneless。



  Whether the hips are full and round or not has been a varying standard of beauty through Chinese history. Although modern girls tend to favor a narrow silhouette, during earlier dynasties such as the Tang Dynasty women with wide hips were considered especially beautiful. The reason was that Chinese believe that women will be more likely to have healthy babies if their hips are full and round。



  The shape of a woman’s waist is another attribute that has undergone change. Nowadays, a slender waist is considered to be one of the most desirable features a woman can possess. This modern standard is similar to the prerences observed during the Han Dynasty when slender, narrow waist. But during the Tang Dynasty women who were round and full-waisted were considered beautiful。




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