


2017/08/13 20:17:16 编辑: 浏览次数:221 移动端


  Matt & Jennifer didn’t like the idea of Rachel and Joey Hooking up.


  Ok brace yourself, because I’m going to go on a bit of a rant here. I didn’t HATE the conceptof Joey and Rachel. That’s not to say I loved it, or even liked it all that much, but I wasn’tincensed by it like so many others were. In fact, it actually kind of captivated my attention.



  Now, I am speaking to you as a diehard Ross and Rachel fan. That being said, during thestoryline arc that was Joey becoming unexpectedly infatuated with Rachel, being rejected (verykindly and compassionately I might add) by Rachel and eventually having his feelingsreciprocated by her was both engaging and relatable. In my opinion, during the last remainingseasons of friends, Ross and Rachel still loved each other but had relegated themselves to theidea that, if their relationship hadn’t worked at this point, maybe it really just wasn’t meant tobe. Meanwhile, Rachel had spent years developing a close bond with Joey, who was also herroommate for a period of time and was her shoulder to lean on (other than Ross and the restof the gang) when she was pregnant with Ross’s child due to what the two had considered tobe a random hookup. When you get that close and spend that much time with someone, bothof you are single and you also both happen to be really good looking, isn’t attraction sort ofinevitable?


  I think so, and apparently so did the series’ writers and producers. However, for Aniston andLeBlanc, the storyline was just plain icky.


  In an interview with The Guardian, co-creator David Crane spoke of the costars’ reticence intaking on a Rachel/Joey coupling.

  在接受《卫报》(The Guardian)采访时,编剧之一大卫·克拉尼表示,两位主演在表演瑞秋和乔伊亲密的时候都很无语。

  “’Jennifer [Aniston] and Matt [LeBlanc] were very uncomfortable with that; they thought it wasincestuous,’ says Kauffman. ‘We said: Because it’s so wrong, that makes it right, and it workedbecause it allowed us to show Joey in a new, heartbroken light,’ says Crane, which is true, sortof. At least they dropped that storyline fairly swiftly and soon after gave the show theRoss’n’Rachel finale the fans wanted.”


  Well, at least they didn’t milk that story for too long.


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