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PARIS — Bore arriving in the French capital, Wu Shuyun, a 56-year-old Chinese housewife,imagined Paris to be like a pristine film set for a romantic love story, picturing herself as aglamorous princess surrounded by elegant Parisians, decked out, perhaps, in Chanel.
Instead, Ms. Wu from Kunming in southwest China, said she was shocked by the cigarettebutts and dog manure, the rude insouciance of the locals and the gratuitous public displaysof affection. Though friends had warned her about thieves targeting Chinese people, she saidshe was nevertheless surprised when a member of her tour group was mugged on a packedMetro car, as other riders watched.
"For the Chinese, France has always been romantic, mysterious and desirable. We have beentold that ‘God lives in France,' " she said recently after a two-week tour that included stops atthe Eiffel Tower and Galeries Lafayette, an imposing, upscale department store with stained-glass domes where tour buses stop hourly to deposit tourists for marathon shopping sessions. "Once I realized that the Parisians were indifferent, I made the decision: Try to make the mostof this trip, but never come back to Paris again."
“对我们这些中国人而言,法国一直是一个浪漫、神秘、令人向往的国度。我们听说‘法国人过着神仙般的日子'。但在认识到巴黎人的冷漠之后,我立刻做了一个决定:要好好享受这次旅程,但我再也不会来巴黎了。”吴素云不久前说这话时,已经结束了为期两个礼拜的巴黎之旅。这趟旅程的停靠站包含了埃菲尔铁塔和老佛爷百货商场(Galeries Lafayette)——后者是一家宏伟的高档百货商场,有着彩色玻璃穹顶,旅行团的巴士常常在此停留,让游客们进行马拉松式的购物血拼。
A growing number of Chinese tourists in Paris — armed with wads of cash, typically unable tospeak French and still somewhat na?ve about the ways of the West after decades of China'srelative isolation — are falling victim to their unrealistic expectations of the city, while alsobeing victimized by brazen thieves who target them because they are easily identifiable asAsian, Chinese tourism industry officials here say.
Alarm that Chinese tourists are at risk from bandits is so acute that the Chinese governmentrecently considered sending police officers to Paris to help protect them. Paris tourism officialssaid the proposal was shelved amid concerns over how they would operate.
The French capital — celebrated for its beauty, culture and savoir faire — still retains hugeallure, making it the No. 1 destination in Europe for China's burgeoning middle class andgrowing legion of millionaires, according to the European Federation of Chinese Tourism. Nearlyone million Chinese tourists came to Paris last year, according to the Paris Tourism Office,spending more than one billion euros on everything from Cartier watches to meals at Michelin-starred restaurants, and outspending both Japanese and Americans on shopping. Now,however, Paris's glittering image in China is losing its luster amid reports of robberies of Chinesetourists, according to Chinese newspapers and social media.
欧洲华人旅游业联合总会(European Federation of Chinese Tourism,简称EFCT)称,因为美景、文化和得体举止而闻名遐迩的法国首都仍然具有巨大的吸引力,让它成为中国新兴的中产阶层以及日益扩大的富豪群体在欧洲的首选旅游目的地。巴黎旅游局(Paris Tourism Office)的数据显示:去年,共有近100万名中国游客到访巴黎。他们购买卡利亚(Cartier)腕表,在米其林星级餐厅里吃大餐,总消费额突破了10亿欧元。此外,他们的购物总支出比日本人和美国人还要高。但中国报纸和社交媒体称,眼下中国游客遭抢劫的新闻报道,让中国人心目中熠熠生辉的巴黎黯然失色。
A group of 75 French luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Hermès, warned lastyear that high-spending Chinese tourists fearful for their safety could choose to go to Italy orBritain instead. Concerns about the consequences for the country's vaunted tourism industryhave intensified as the French economy has stagnated.
一个由路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、香奈儿、爱马仕(Hermès)等75个法国奢侈品牌组成的团体去年警告称:由于担心人身安全得不到保障,那些出手阔绰的中国游客有可能选择去意大利或者英国,而非法国。在法国经济停滞不前之际,人们越来越担心这会给该国引以为傲的旅游产业带来负面影响。
According to the Paris-based European Federation of Chinese Tourism, which represents 30travel agencies catering to Chinese tourists, the number of group tours coming to the Frenchcapital has fallen 20 percent so far this year compared with 2013. The Paris Tourism Office saidthat a 21 percent jump in the number of Chinese tourists last year had nearly halved in 2014.
总部位于巴黎的欧洲华人旅游业联合总会(European Federation of Chinese Tourism)由30家服务中国游客的旅行社组成,该协会提供的数据显示:今年到目前为止,以巴黎为目的地的团体游数量较2013年同期减少了20%。巴黎旅游局称,中国游客的数量去年增长了21%;今年的增长率已经下降了近一半。
Chinese nerves were already frayed after a group of 23 Chinese on a tour of Europe wereattacked in March of last year in the gritty northern suburbs of Paris just hours after theylanded at Charles de Gaulle Airport. The group leader was injured, and the thieves fled with7,500 euros — about $9,600 — passports and plane tickets.
去年3月的一起案件已经令中国人神经紧绷,一个由23组成的欧洲旅游团在戴高乐机场(Charles de GaulleAirport)落地几个小时后,就在混乱的巴黎北部郊区遭到袭击。旅行团负责人受伤,劫匪抢走了7500欧元(约合5.9万元人民币)、护照和飞机票。
After six Chinese students studying winemaking were mugged in Bordeaux three months later,Beijing demanded that the French government take action.
Pierre Shi, secretary general of the European Federation of Chinese Tourism, said Chinesevisitors were being preyed upon because they were known to carry large amounts of cash toavoid paying multiple currency exchange fees. Bargain-seeking Chinese tour operators werealso booking hotels in Paris's northern suburbs.
EFCT秘书长石恒余(Pierre Shi)表示,中国游客成为抢劫目标是因为众所周知,他们喜欢携带大量现金,以避免支付多重货币兑换费。贪便宜的中国旅行社预定的都是巴黎北部郊区的宾馆。
"Chinese tourists are attracted to Paris by the glamour, by the desire to buy designer brands,by an image of France as a country of philosophers and revolution," said Mr. Shi, who runs hisown travel agency, ID Travel Pro. "But now, they are afraid to come. Bore, they wouldn't thinktwice."
“吸引中国游客来巴黎的是它的魅力、设计师品牌,以及那种以哲学家和革命著称的国家形象,”石恒余说。“但他们现在不敢来巴黎。以前是想都不想就来了。”石恒余开了一家名为ID Travel Pro的旅行社。
Psychologists warned that Chinese tourists shaken by thieves and dashed expectations were atrisk for Paris Syndrome, a condition in which foreigners suffer depression, anxiety, feelings ofpersecution and even hallucinations when their rosy images of Champagne, majesticarchitecture and Monet are upended by the stresses of a city whose natives are also known forbeing among the unhappiest people on the planet.
心理学家警告称,在盗贼和失望情绪的打击下,中国游客可能会患上巴黎综合症(Paris Syndrome),当外国人对香槟、宏伟建筑及莫奈(Monet)的美好想象因这座城市的压力感而破灭时——巴黎人被认为是世界上最不幸福的人之一——他们会感到沮丧、焦虑,出现抑郁、焦虑、被害妄想,甚至是幻觉。
The expression was first coined 30 years ago by a Paris-based Japanese psychiatrist, HiroakiOta, after several Japanese visitors to Paris fell ill when their culture of politeness and reserverubbed up against Gallic haughtiness.
30年前,居住在巴黎的日本心理学家太田博昭(Hiroaki Ota)首次提出了这个说法,当时几名到访巴黎的日本游客因为其礼貌、拘谨的文化与法国人的傲慢发生碰撞而患病。
Dr. Ota said in an interview in his office that because China had been closed off to the Westfor so long, some Chinese travelers could be at risk for culture shock and depression whenfaced with the harsher realities of a city they had over-idealized. But he noted that the Chinesewere less susceptible to Paris Syndrome than the Japanese, since they were fortified by adirectness and an outsize sense of self that was similar to the French.
"Whereas Japanese are reserved, polite and formal, the Chinese have a strong sense ofnational pride like the French, and they are not shy," he said.
Thomas Deschamps, the head of research at the Paris Tourism Office, said culture shock wasparticularly prevalent among travelers from Asia, who sometimes wrongly perceived the Frenchcapital as a museum.
在巴黎旅游局负责研究工作的托马斯·德尚(Thomas Deschamps)说,亚洲游客有时候会误以为法国首都是一座博物馆,他们尤为可能遭受文化上的冲击。
"They watch movies like ‘Amélie Poulain'; they think all Parisians carry Louis Vuitton purses andsmell like Dior," he said. "They don't know about the working-class suburbs, the overworkedwaiters, the grittier parts of the city. Paris is not a museum. People are busy, they are stressed,they are living their lives."
To help protect and reassure Chinese tourists, Mr. Deschamps said, the city has beed upsecurity at popular sites like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, while instituting warnings inMandarin to be vigilant against pickpockets on the Paris Metro.
德尚说,为了帮助保护中国游客、打消他们心头的顾虑,这座城市已经在艾菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫( Louvre)等广受欢迎的景点加强了安保措施,并在巴黎地铁上用普通话警告乘客小心扒手。
The Paris police have also introduced complaint forms in Chinese.
Meanwhile, the tourism industry has redoubled its forts to be more culturally sensitive. Anonline guide for hotels and businesses produced by the Chamber of Commerce for Tourism inParis notes that for visiting Chinese, a "simple smile and hello in their language will plainly pleasethem."
与此同时,旅游界正加倍努力地提升自己的文化敏感度。巴黎旅游业商会(Chamber of Commerce forTourism in Paris)为酒店和商家制作了一份在线指南,那上边说:接待中国游客时,“奉上一个简单的微笑,再用他们的语言跟他们简单地打声招呼,就可以很明显地让他们高兴起来。”
While thieves and Gallic aloofness could be a hazard, some Chinese in Paris said theydeserved some of the blame for the French reactions they sometimes provoked.
"The Chinese are used to spitting. We are used to snapping our fingers to get attention, oreven yelling," said Mr. Shi, the Chinese travel agency federation chi. "But if you do that with aFrench waiter, they will ignore you even more."
Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲