


2017/08/13 20:15:38 编辑: 浏览次数:264 移动端


  Sometimes in your career, you will come across having to work with people you don't like. So,how do you work with them? Admittedly, it is a huge challenge for many people,but it is a factof working life. No matter how much we do not like it, the interactions are crucial to get workdone.


  Many newbies and veteransalike are caught asking this question day-in and day-out at work –how do I work with people I don't like? Should I force myself to do it? Pretend I like them? Do Ireally leave my values at home when I go to work?


  The answer is – no, you do not have to. Of course the remedy may not be easy. It will entailyou having to step out of your ego for a while to see what is truly happening and to give youclarity of the situation. That stepping out of your own ego is the toughest to do. But it is aworthwhile step. When you are able to do it, it feels like a huge stone is lifted off yourheart.How to work with people you don't like? Try these 3 steps individually or in combination.





  To engage in this case means to communicate with them. Step out of your own ego to getyourself to sincerely talk to them. You may be pleasantly surprised that the other personwants to talk too.To engage also means not to hold any grudges against the other person.Face the issue with the other party and discuss whatever challenges you may have candidly.Say what you mean politely. You can be stern but do not be rude. The important thing abouthow to work with people you don't like is to be sincere about it.


  When you are sincere,you are seeking a win-win situation. Think about this, when you engagethis person,being sincere is also a transfer of feelings, which means you want the other personto know that you genuinely want tosettle any animosity you have with each other. It helps youin the long run too.




  Have you ever tried to enlighten them about yourself? Have you ever tried to enlightenyourself about them? Perhaps one reason you do not like them is that you do not understandthem. And because of it, whatever they do doesn't seem right. Then all the negativity feeds oneach other and the animosity grows.


  Seek to allow them to get to know you personally.The information about you may enlightenthem about you. It gives them insight into who you are, why you do those things and the wayyou do them. When people understand you more, there is a better chance they will begin tolike you. Of course, there is no guarantee it will work. At the very least there is a chance.


  Get to know them on a more personal level too.Enlighten yourself about them. What makesthem tick, what you do disturbs them or even irritates them? Perhaps with this piece ofinformation you may start to know how to work with people you don't like.




  To do this, first you must be able to have a sense of humor. Sure, to have a sense of humoraround someone you don't like is tough. But the tougher thing is that you should have a senseof humor when the situation becomes tense and when you feel animosity. Cracking a joke andlooking at the lighter side of things can break a smile on the face of people you don't like.


  When you do that you can be someone fun to work with. Perhaps you never think of it, but youare someone who is tough to work with. Have you ever considered you are part of the problem?


  Ask yourself, are you fun to work with? Do you complain and gossip a lot? Perhaps you aretoo dogmatic with certain things. You could entertain the person with an afterwork drink. Orinvite the person out for lunch. Sometimes it takes more than one session for the person toopen up. At the very least, they do feel your sincerity. In a less formal situation people canopen up and speak more frankly.


  Assuming the above is difficult to do, try to entertain yourself by the tough questions andresistance coming from the person. In work situations, you know the people whom you don'tlike is likely to raise toughquestions in order to make them difficult for you. It can be verysatisfying when you are able to answer them. Dogged determination can wear even the mostdifficult person down.


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