


2017/08/13 20:15:15 编辑: 浏览次数:398 移动端


  The most popular baby names in 2014 were Amelia and oliver. However, the latest data has shown that more parents appear to be looking to modern culture for inspiration on the naming of their children.


  1.Starkgirls are having the greatest influence on Game of Thrones girls’ names

  1. 在以《权力的游戏》女性角色命名的女孩中,史塔克家的女孩是对其影响最大的。(注:史塔克家族是《权力的游戏》中最显赫最重要的家族之一。)

  It seems that more parents want their daughters to take Daenerys’ regal name ‘Khaleesi’ than her birth name. We can see that the Stark girl names, Arya and Sansa, remain strong. Brienne is the newest female addition this year, with 4 girls。


  2. Lannisters, Greyjoys and Starks battle for popularity among Game of thrones boys’ names.

  2. 兰尼斯特、格雷乔伊以及史塔克家族争做《权力的游戏》中最受欢迎的男孩名。

  like the TV series, the Starks, Lannisters and Greyjoys are battling it out for popularity among the male Game of Thrones names. We can see the largest peak after the series first aired in 2011, but Theon and Bran track each other in popularity after each book release。


  3. The ice princess’ name rises up the rankings of baby girls’ names in 2014.

  3. 2014年,冰雪公主的名字在女孩取名榜上节节上升。

  The Frozen phenomenon has seen Elsa, a traditionally turn of the century name, rise up the rankings of baby girls’ names. Her sister Anna proves less popular, and has actually seen a decrease. Even Kristoff and olaf made a splash on the charts with 3 and 52 babies’ names respectively. This is the first year Kristoff has appeared in the rankings。


  5. Harry and Louis the most popular baby names of all One Direction members.5. 哈利和路易斯是小破团中最受欢迎的给孩子取的名。

  It’s clear that Harry has the most popular boys’ baby names from One Direction. Zayn appears to have had an influence on parents’ baby name choices, with almost 8 times as many baby boys called Zayn in 2014 as there were in 2010. Niall and Louis also prove less popular, but perhaps we will see a change next year after the group’s huge world tour。


  6. Logan increased in popularity after X-Men films released.

  6. 在电影《X战警》发布后,洛根这个名字变得流行起来。

  Since 2000, Logan (Wolverine) seems to have had the greatest fect on baby names of all the X-Men characters。


  9. Increased popularity in classic names could be influenced by Downton Abbey.

  9. 越来越多的古典名可能是受到《唐顿庄园》的影响。

  Names that were popular at the turn of the last century (1904) have increased in popularity since around 2004, and Downton Abbey may be having an fect on this since in first aired in 2010. Edith, Violet and Rose were all in the top 30 names in 1904, and are rising in influence once again in the 21st century。


  现在美剧迷越来越多,从情景喜剧到《《desperate housewives绝望的主妇》等女权主义题材的电视剧,《the X files档案》等科幻题材电视剧,《王朝Tudor dynasty》现实主义,美剧种类繁多,题材包罗万象,剧情开发紧凑,制作包装精良,日渐成为人们追捧的对象。那么是不是人们的名字也要越来越大众化了呢?

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