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  1 《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl):

  You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。


  2 石头剪刀布法则

  《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory):

  Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.


  3 真正的男人

  《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl):

  But you're not like that anymore, you're strong, you carry people, you carry me. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was.

  但你现在不是以前的那个你了,你那么坚强,你照顾别人,你照顾我。你正用一种你父亲从未实现的方式成为一个真正的男人。4 恩惠有价

  4 《绝望主妇》(desperated housewives):

  It's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag.

  对那些急切想拯救我们的人最好要带着一颗机警的心。因为哪怕是最小的恩惠都是有价格的。5 天使非万能

  5 《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):

  I’m an angel, not a wizard. And between you and me, it’s just a fancy term for “babysitter”.

  我是天使,不是巫师。我和你之间的关系,只不过是梦幻版的“保姆与孩子”这样的关系。6 变弱点为优点

  6 《尼基塔》(Nikita):

  Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon.

  有时,弱点反而是我们最强的武器。7 人要有自信

  7 《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):

  If you don’t think you’re worth much, why should he?

  如果你都觉得自己不值钱,他凭什么要认为你多么值钱?8 发现孤独

  8 《绝望主妇》(Desperated Housewives):

  It's a shocking moment for each of us that moment we realize we are all alone in this world.

  对每个人来说意识到自己孤独的活在世上都是震惊无比的。9 对自己负责

  9《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):

  No one can guarantee anyone’s future.

  谁都不能保证别人的澳际。10 逃脱悲伤秘籍

  《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):

  People say there are five stages of gri. Denial, anger, bargaining,depression, and acceptance.


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