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  Will went in front, his shaggy little garron picking the way carully through the undergrowth.A light snow had fallen the night bore, andthere were stones and roots and hidden sinks lying just under its crust, waiting for the careless and theunwary. Ser Waymar Royce came next, his great black destrier snorting impatiently. The warhorse was the wrong mount for ranging, but try and tell that to the lordling. Gared brought up the rear. The old man-at-arms muttered to himself as he rode.


  Will went in front, his shaggy little garron picking the way carully through the undergrowth.

  这一句话主语是Will,谓语是went,逗号后跟着的his shaggy little garron picking …则是另一个主语。这其实是两句话:Will went in front. His shaggy little garron picked the way carully. 从句子结构上来说,这两句本来没有联系,而且是不同的主语,但两句话是有逻辑关系的。把其中一个句子的动词用分词形式来作为另外一个状语,这个动作的发出(或承受)的“主语”就是独立主格。独立主格结构不能使用任何连接词。而且独立主格不是独立的句子,而是“格”。这样说比较晦涩难懂,我们来看个例子。

  John goes into his house, followed by his dog.

  John goes into his house, his dog following him.

  前一句是分词作伴随状语,而后一句his dog 则是独立主格了。


  All the work done, you can have a rest.



  there were stones and roots and hidden sinks lying just under its crust,

  这里是使用的there be 句型,指这里有。需要注意的是,“这里有”的固定搭配是there be,不能根据汉语翻译成there have/has——根本没有这个用法。

  看看这个句子,The Forbidden City is there.对句子进行倒装就变成了There is the Forbidden City. 为甚要倒装呢?我们汉语也说: “球,进了!”,这个时候你要是说“进球了!” 也是没错的,但是语气没有那么强。久而久之,就形成了there be 句型。所以,物体是没有there和have/ has (拥有)连用的用法的。这个时候如果要使用have/has 就要用代词they/it, 变成they have … / it has …。而there be 句型其实是刷存在感的。


  There were stones and roots and hidden sinks.

  The stones, roots and hidden sinks lay just under its crust.



  crust, 这里是指雪层。它还可以指如面包或者披萨外的那层酥皮或者是某个物体表面的硬薄外层。也可以指地壳。

  unwary,不谨慎的。wary,谨慎小心的。注意是因为认为有可能会遇险,而提高警惕。而carul,则是提醒避免犯错。be wary of (doing) sth., 提心吊胆,如履薄冰地做某事,I’m wary of driving in this fog. 你还可以提醒别人,Keep a wary eye on that guy. I don’t trust him.

  snort, 动词,用鼻子发出哼声。最近有个孩子画了一幅老爸吃白糖的画,结果他老爸就被请到局子里了,就是因为他是snorting cocaine。抽鼻子用鼻子吸入其实是sniff;擤鼻子blow someone’s nose。Stop sniffing and blow your nose. ╰ひ╯, 呃,把鼻涕抽进去,抽得太猛不就… 那画面太美,不敢直视。

  mount, 这里是名词,座驾。

  rear, 后部,和front 相对。看《头文字D 》里老出现说某个车子是FR的,其实就是指Front engine, Rear drive. 发动机在前,后轮驱动。就是前置后驱。

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