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  Oscar winner Anne Hathaway is to star in the limited TV series The Ambassador’s Wife from The Mark Gordon Company.

  Hathaway will also produce the TV adaptation of Jennifer Steil’s novel of the same name, with MGC financing and producing the project after optioning the book rights. Inspired by her experiences as the wife of the British ambassador to Yemen, Steil’s novel portrays the kidnapping of an American woman in the Middle East and the heartbreaking choices she and her husband must make to possibly be reunited.

  The Ambassador’s Wife is the first TV project from the indie studio formed by MGC and Entertainment One, which will distribute internationally. The L.A.-based studio is led by Mark Gordon, who will continue to produce content for The Mark Gordon Company as well as finance projects by other producers.

  MGC is behind television hits Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds and Ray Donovan, and Gordon has helped produce box-office hits such as Speed, The Day After Tomorrow and Saving Private Ryan. “We are so fortunate to have Anne starring in this timely, gripping, and compassionate drama. She is in a league all her own and we cannot think of anyone who can better portray Steil’s complex heroine,” Gordon said of Hathaway boarding the project.

  The Ambassador’s Wife is represented by CAA for TV and Brettne Bloom at The Book Group for publishing. Hathaway is represented by CAA, Management 360, and Jason Sloane of Sloane Offer Weber Dern. The Mark Gordon Company is represented by CAA.


  奥斯卡获奖者安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)即将转战小荧屏,出演限定剧《大使的妻子》。

  该剧改编自詹妮弗·斯泰尔(Jennifer Steil)的同名小说,海瑟薇还将同时担任制片人。在制片方Mark Gordon Company买下小说的版权后,该项目将正式启动投入制作。小说灵感来自作者身为英国驻也门大使妻子的亲身经历,讲述了一名美国妇女在中东遭到绑架,她和丈夫为了团聚而做出的各种令人心碎的抉择。

  MGC是热门剧集《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anatomy)、《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds)及《清道夫》(Ray Donovan)等剧的出品方,总裁马克·高登(Mark Gordon)还协同制作过卖座影片《生死时速》(Speed)、《后天》(The Day After Tomorrow)、《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)等等。“这是一部扣人心弦、充满关怀的剧集,我们很幸运能有安妮的加盟,她自己就可以挑起大梁,我想不出还有任何人比她更适合塑造这位性格复杂的女英雄。”高登如此评论海瑟薇的加盟。

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