


2017/08/13 20:11:11 编辑: 浏览次数:50 移动端


  The study helpfully concludes that there is a reliable, scientifically valid way for each of us topick the right running shoes, but it’s so simple that most of us ignore it.


  The connection between running shoes and running injuries is surprisingly controversial and,from a scientific standpoint, unsettled.


  Most of us who run have heard that we should choose our shoes based, for the most part, ontwo broad technical criteria.


  The first is whether and how much our foot pronates, or rolls inward as we land. Orthopedists,coaches and runners long have believed that over- or under-pronation contributes to the risk ofrunning injuries and should be controlled using particular types of shoes.


  More recently, impact force, or the pounding that we experience with each stride, has alsobeen getting plenty of attention, especially in relation to baroot running and the question ofwhether we should wear shoes at all. Some baroot-running proponents claim that runningwithout shoes or in minimal, slipper-like models somehow changes impacts and substantiallyreduces the risk for injuries.


  But Benno Nigg, the lead author of the new review, and his colleagues were skeptical. Anemeritus professor of kinesiology at the University of Calgary in Canada and one of the world’sforemost experts on biomechanics, Dr. Nigg wondered whether science really supports the ideathat the right shoes can alter and fix someone’s running form and lessen injuries.

  不过,新近这篇综述的主要作者本诺·尼格(Benno Nigg)和他的同事们对此持怀疑态度。尼格博士是加拿大卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary)的运动学荣誉退休教授,也是世界上一流的生物力学专家之一,对于合适的鞋可以改变和纠正人的跑步姿势、减少伤害这种观点,他很怀疑它是否具有切实的科学依据。

  So for the new review, which was published last week in The British Journal of Sports Medicine,Dr. Nigg and his colleagues trolled through decades’ worth of studies about running injuries,shoes and their relationship.

  于是,在这篇上周发表在《英国运动医学杂志》(The British Journal of Sports Medicine)上的综述中,尼格博士和他的同事们回顾了近几十年来关于运动损伤、鞋以及这两者之间关系的研究。

  It soon became clear to the researchers that most of our belis about running injuries andshoes are, in fact, myths.


  Pronation, for instance, does not seem to be a problem requiring correction. In the one large-scale experiment studying pronation, almost 1,000 novice runners, some of whom pronatedand some of whom did not, were given the same running shoes and followed for a year.


  At the end of that time, many of the runners with normal feet and form — who did notoverpronate — had become injured, but a much smaller percentage of those who overpronatedhad been sidelined.


  Dr. Nigg and his colleagues write in their review that this finding suggests “that a pronated footposition is, if anything, an advantage with respect to running injuries.”


  Similarly, they found little evidence that forcully striking the ground causes injuries or thatchanging or removing your shoes alters those impacts much anyway.


  Perhaps most unexpected, running shoes designed to somehow “fix” someone’s running formturned out often to be infective and even counter-productive. In a series of studies, whenmilitary recruits were assigned running shoes meant to control their particular level ofpronation, those soldiers were as likely, or even more so, to sustain running-related injuriesthan soldiers given shoes at random.


  But if shoes are chosen for the right reason, they can reduce injuries, Dr. Nigg and hiscolleagues concluded after parsing all of the relevant studies.


  And the right reason does not involve pronation control or impact forces.


  What matters, the researchers conclude in their review, is comfort. In one study from 2001 (overseen by Dr. Nigg), researchers asked soldiers to try six shoe inserts, which varied interms of cushioning, arch height, heel shape, thickness and other variables. The soldiers wereasked to pick the one insert that felt the most comfortable to them and wear that insert insidetheir shoes during their subsequent military training. A separate group of soldiers worestandard footwear as controls.


  After four months, the soldiers wearing the shoes fitted with inserts that felt comfortable tothem had a much lower incidence of injury than those wearing standard shoes.


  This finding makes scientific and common sense, Dr. Nigg said. Our bodies are actually “verygood judges” of how each of us should move and run, he said. When we ignore or fight ourbodies’ natural movement pattern, he said, such as by trying to control pronation, the risk ofinjury rises.


  Instead, he said, we should pay close attention to our body’s opinion about running shoeoptions.


  “Try on four or five pairs,” Dr. Nigg said. Jog around the store or the block in each.


  “People can usually tell right away which shoe feels the most comfortable,” Dr. Nigg said. “Thatis the one to choose.”



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