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  P-hacking rers to the practice of manipulating scientific data so that the results appear to be statistically significant.



  Professor Uri Simonsohn of UPenn discussed what he rers to as "p-hacking." P-hacking is the idea that if researchers are engaging in questionable analysis practices, then they should have a disproportionate number of findings at or close to the p < .05 threshold for statistical significance, and that this can be relatively easy to detect.


  虽然直译为“P值黑客”,但从定义上看,该词有“数据造假”的意思,这点可以从《大西洋月刊》上的文章《自我修正的科学之谜》(The Myth of Self-Correcting Science)中的解释得到佐证:

  Almost more alarming than the few individuals committing academic fraud are the high percentage of researchers who admitted to more common questionable research practices, like post-hoc theorizing and data-fishing (sometimes rerred to as p-hacking), in a recent study led by Leslie John.


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