


2017/08/13 20:05:47 编辑: 浏览次数:364 移动端


  Long lines at the post office are par for the course, but we feel a special kind of rage when a delivery takes too long. Perhaps that's why this hilarious complaint to USPS.com is going viral right now on Reddit. Likening the post office to an ordinary box turtle, user malvoliosf explains how, despite paying $110 for priority shipping, it took eight days for his parcel to travel a distance of 14.8 miles.

  在邮局里要排长长的队伍,对此人们已经司空见惯,不过对于快递运输太慢的状况,人们却会由衷的感到愤慨。或许正是因为这样,这封寄给美国邮政局的投诉信自从在红迪网上出现之后,迅速在网上爆红。这位用户名为malvoliosf 的小主将邮局比作一只平凡的箱龟。他解释道,尽管花费了110美元办理了特快空运,他的包裹却用了8天的时间才到达了14.8英里之外的地方。

  Zoom in to see the original complaint and read the transcription below.


  I paid $110 for PRIORITY and it took EIGHT DAYS to get my parcel from downtown San Francisco to the San Francisco airport, a distance of 14.8 miles. A turtle could have done that in four days. Seriously, I looked it up. An ordinary box turtle cruises 0.17 mph; it could make it from the Rincon Center post office to the cargo terminal of SFO in 87 hours. The United States Post Service took 179 hours to make the same trip.


  And I had to wait in line at the post office. There is no line at the turtle store. I could have popped in, bought a turtle, strapped the parcel to its shell, and it would have gotten there in less than half the time.


  Can I get a rund here? A partial rund? A complimentary box of turtle food? Anything?



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