


2017/08/13 20:03:00 编辑: 浏览次数:235 移动端

  The average boss looks at a curriculum vitae for just three minutes while one in five make a decision on a candidate after perusing it for under a minute, new research suggests.


  xīn yán jiū biǎo míng ,lǎo bǎn kàn jiǎn lì de píng jun1 shí jiān jǐn wéi 3fèn zhōng ,ér qí zhōng wǔ fèn zhī yī zài chá kàn jiǎn lì 1fèn zhōng nèi duì qiú zhí zhě zuò chū xuǎn zé 。

  Despite almost a quarter of candidates claiming they have excellent written communication skills, many of them fall foul of using worn clichés in their CVs, the survey of 2,000 from New College of the Humanities found.


  tōng guò duì yīng guó xīn rén wén xué yuàn 2000míng xué shēng de diào chá fā xiàn ,jìn guǎn jìn sì fèn zhī yī de miàn shì zhě shēng chēng zì jǐ yōng yǒu yōu xiù de shū miàn gōu tōng néng lì ,dàn shì qí zhōng hěn duō rén zài jiǎn lì zhōng fàn le chén cí làn diào de jìn jì 。

  The university-level college, founded by philosopher Professor AC Grayling, says nearly 500,000 graduates will flood the job market this month - but thousands will make silly mistakes on their CV, which in turn dampens their chances of becoming employed.


  zhè zuò dà xué shuǐ píng de xué yuàn yóu zhé xué jiā AC?gé léi níng jiāo shòu jiàn lì 。gāi xué yuàn de yán jiū fā xiàn ,jiāng jìn 50wàn míng bì yè shēng zhè gè yuè jiāng yǒng xiàng jiù yè shì chǎng ,qí zhōng jǐ qiān míng xué shēng zài jiǎn lì zhōng fàn yī xiē yú chǔn de cuò wù ,ér zhè yě suō xiǎo le tā men qiú zhí chéng gōng de kě néng 。

  Unsurprisingly, the worst mistakes to make on a CV are typos and grammatical errors, especially using 'there' 'their' and 'they're' incorrectly, and 'your' and 'you're'.


  bú chū suǒ liào ,zhè xiē yīng wén jiǎn lì shàng zuì yán zhòng de shī wù jiù shì dǎ zì cuò wù huò yǔ fǎ cuò wù ,yóu qí shì cuò wù dì shǐ yòng there、theirhé they’reyǐ jí cuò yòng yourhé you’re。

  This is followed by a casual tone, such as using 'you guys' in email correspondence or signing off with 'cheers' to a prospective employer - as well as coming across as laid-back on the CV.


  dì èr gè cháng fàn de cuò wù shì yǔ qì suí biàn ,lì rú zài yóu jiàn jiāo liú zhōng shǐ yòng “nǐ men zhè bāng jiā huǒ ”huò zhě zài yóu jiàn jié wěi xiàng wèi lái de gù zhǔ xiě dào “zhù jiàn kāng ”(cheers),yǐ jí zài jiǎn lì zhōng ràng gù zhǔ jiào dé nǐ hěn sàn màn 。

  In third place is the use of jargon and clichés, such as 'thinking outside the box' and stating perfectionism as your weakness.


  pái zài dì sān wèi de cuò wù shì shǐ yòng shù yǔ yǔ chén cí làn diào ,lì rú “tiào chū sī wéi dìng shì ”yǐ jí jiāng wán měi zhǔ yì liè wéi zì jǐ de quē diǎn 。

  Here are the top ten pet hates:

  1. Typos and grammatical errors

  2. Overly casual tone

  3. Use of jargon and clichés

  4. A CV more than two pages in length

  5. Snazzy borders and backgrounds

  6. Writing in the third person

  7. Inclusion of clip art or emojis

  8. The use of cringeworthy quotes

  9. Unprofessional email address

  10. Unconventional font


  jiǎn lì shàng zuì lìng rén tǎo yàn de 10xiàng :

  1、拼写与语法错误 pīn xiě yǔ yǔ fǎ cuò wù

  2、过度随便的口气guò dù suí biàn de kǒu qì

  3、使用行话或陈腔滥调shǐ yòng háng huà huò chén qiāng làn diào

  4、简历长度超过两页jiǎn lì chǎng dù chāo guò liǎng yè

  5、俗丽的边界与背景sú lì de biān jiè yǔ bèi jǐng

  6、用第三人称写作yòng dì sān rén chēng xiě zuò

  7、包含剪贴画或表情符号bāo hán jiǎn tiē huà huò biǎo qíng fú hào

  8、使用令人尴尬的引语shǐ yòng lìng rén gān gà de yǐn yǔ

  9、邮件地址不专业yóu jiàn dì zhǐ bú zhuān yè

  10、字体非常规zì tǐ fēi cháng guī

  In terms of worn clichés, almost half of CVs typically state the person tends to 'work well independently,' and a third say they are a 'team player.'


  zài chén qiāng làn diào fāng miàn ,jìn yī bàn de rén zài jiǎn lì zhōng huì jiāng zì jǐ biǎo shù wéi “shàn yú dú lì gōng zuò ”,sān fèn zhī yī shuō zì jǐ “yǒu tuán duì jīng shén ”。

  The research identified the most over used CV phrases likely to put them off potential employees:


  gāi yán jiū zhǐ chū jiǎn lì zhōng zuì duō bèi làn yòng de duǎn yǔ ,zhè xiē duǎn yǔ hěn kě néng ràng gù zhǔ duì qiú zhí zhě gǎn dào fǎn gǎn :

  1. Can work independently

  2. Hard worker

  3. Works well under pressure

  4. Good communicator

  5. Enthusiastic

  6. Team player

  7. Good listener

  8. Excellent written communication skills

  9. Proactive

  10. Problem solver

  1、能独立工作néng dú lì gōng zuò

  2、工作努力gōng zuò nǔ lì

  3、在压力下可以很好地工作zài yā lì xià kě yǐ hěn hǎo dì gōng zuò

  4、善于沟通shàn yú gōu tōng

  5、富有激情fù yǒu jī qíng

  6、具有团队精神jù yǒu tuán duì jīng shén

  7、善于聆听shàn yú líng tīng

  8、出色的书面沟通能力chū sè de shū miàn gōu tōng néng lì

  9、积极主动jī jí zhǔ dòng

  10、善于解决问题shàn yú jiě jué wèn tí

  The research shows that one in ten have been creative over length of employment and previous companies, while five percent have bent the truth about previous positions and rerences.


  yán jiū biǎo míng ,shí fèn zhī yī de qiú zhí zhě zì chēng zài yǐ wǎng de gōng zuò hé yǐ qián de gōng sī fù yǒu chuàng zào lì ,5%de rén zài xiān qián de zhí wèi yǔ tuī jiàn rén shàng sā huǎng 。

  Almost twice as many women lie about their hobbies and interests compared to men.


  nǚ xìng gèng ài zài ài hǎo yǔ xìng qù shàng sā huǎng ,zhè yàng zuò de nǚ xìng shù liàng shì nán xìng de jìn liǎng bèi 。

  These CV catastrophes could explain why a third have applied for five roles without a response and one in ten have applied for more than 50 jobs and never heard back.


  zhè xiē jiǎn lì shàng de shī wù huò xǔ kě yǐ jiě shì ,wéi shí me sān fèn zhī yī de rén shēn qǐng le wǔ gè zhí wèi què yī gè huí fù de yě méi yǒu ,wéi shí me shí fèn zhī yī de rén shēn qǐng chāo 50gè gōng zuò ,yī rán yīn xìn quán wú 。


  curriculum vitae(CV): 简历jiǎn lì

  peruse: 仔细察看;细读zi xì chá kàn ;xì dú

  fall foul of: 和…缠在一起,被缠住hé …chán zài yī qǐ ,bèi chán zhù

  typo: 打字错误dǎ zì cuò wù

  come across: 给人…印象gěi rén …yìn xiàng

  laid-back: 懒散的;闲散的lǎn sàn de ;xián sàn de

  snazzy: 华丽而俗气的huá lì ér sú qì de

  proactive: 采取主动的cǎi qǔ zhǔ dòng de

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