


2017/08/13 19:59:54 编辑: 浏览次数:143 移动端


Attention Freshmen who are moving in tomorrow: A little request ... When your mom wants to unpack all of your clothes and make your bed - Let her. When your dad wants to introduce himself to all the people on your floor - Let him. When they want to take pictures of every move you make this weekend - Let them. If they embarrass you or act crazy - Let them. As you start the new chapter of your life, they are also starting the new chapter of theirs. And believe it or not, this is probably more difficult for them than it is for you. So let them treat you like their "baby" one last time.



  大一 freshman

  大二 sophomore

  大三 junior

  大四 senior

  本科生 undergraduate

  研究生 postgraduate

  博士生 PhD student

  开学典礼 opening ceremony

  春季学期 spring semester

  秋季学期 fall semester

  注册、报到 register

  必修课 compulsory course

  选修课 optional course

  学分 credit

  奖学金 scholarship

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