


2017/08/13 19:55:27 编辑: 浏览次数:284 移动端


  The two world leaders, in suits but tieless, could be seen awkwardly sipping their ales at The Plough, an establishment close to the British prime minister's residence of Chequers northwest of London.

  这家名为The Plough的酒吧位于伦敦西北部,在英国首相所居住的契克斯庄园附近。两位领导人都穿着西装但没有打领带,有点拘谨地一起喝啤酒。

  "I dropped into The Plough at Cadsden for a pint of IPA and some fish and chips with China's President Xi," Cameron tweeted afterwards, along with a picture of him talking to Xi in which hunting guns could be seen hanging on the bare-brick wall behind them.

  卡梅伦随后在Twitter上发布消息,“我与习主席在The Plough酒吧点了一扎印度麦啤和一些炸鱼薯条”。从他发布的照片上我们能清楚地看到两人身后砖墙上挂着的猎枪。

  The pub's landlord Steve Hollings told AFP that Cameron and Xi had chatted for around three-quarters of an hour and had been "extremely friendly".


  They drank "traditional English bitter" and "traditional English fish and chips", he said proudly, adding: "I was highly delighted".


  The pub traces its history back to the 16th century when it was a staging post for London coaches.


  Its website said the pub "is often host to some very famous patrons" and asks visitors to "remember, they are here for the rest and relaxation too".


  The atmosphere proved a little too relaxing for Cameron during a previous visit to the pub in 2012 with his wife Samantha when the couple lt their eight-year-old daughter behind in the pub.


  The prime minister's office was forced to admit a couple of months after the incident that the Camerons only realised their child was not with them when they got home and picked her up 15 minutes later.


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