


2017/08/13 19:49:52 编辑: 浏览次数:395 移动端


  Japanese film-makers have created a robot movie star - by casting an android 'actress' in a lead role.


  The robot co-stars alongside a human in the film 'Sayonara' set in the aftermath of a deadly nuclear power plant meltdown in Japan.


  The android, called Geminoid F, was designed to look and act like a human with rubber 'skin' and a woman's face - but it is unable to walk and is wheeled around in the film.

  机器人名叫Geminoid F,有着橡胶“皮肤”和女性外貌,设计初衷是为了能有人类的行为举止。但影片中,Geminoid F饰演的角色无法行走,只能坐在轮椅上。

  Geminoid F - or Leona in the film - is rerred to by director Koji Fukada as an 'actress,' and the android is even listed as a member of the cast in the end credits.

  影片中,Geminoid F名叫Leona,导演深田晃司(Koji Fukada)叫她“女演员”。电影的片尾滚幕中也将这个机器人列为剧组成员。

  While robots have featured prominently in many films, most are played by real actors or created using visual fects.


  Geminoid F was produced by Hiroshi Ishiguro, a renowned robot designer at Osaka University in western Japan, whose androids come with a £776,000 price tag.

  Geminoid F出自大阪大学的著名机器人设计师石黑浩(Hiroshi Ishiguro)之手。他设计的机器人标价曾高达77.6万英镑。

  Geminoid F was cheaper - just £72,000, which Ishiguro hopes may take the technology closer to the mainstream.


  She can smile, furrow her brows and move her mouth. It can also talk and sing - playing recordings, or 'mouthing' other people's voices.

  Geminoid F可以微笑、皱眉、张嘴,还能说话、唱歌,当然指的是放音乐或别人说过的话。

  The robot is equipped with motorised actuators, powered by air pressure, which allow her to 'copy' human facial expressions. In the film, it is controlled remotely from a laptop.

  Geminoid F配有机械制动器,以气压驱动,用来模仿人类的面部表情。电影中,机器人的表情是用笔记本电脑远距离遥控的。

  Prof Ishiguro has designed several robots made to look like humans in the past - even building one in his own image. The professor has said that one day robots could fool us into believing they are human.


  In the film, shown in the competition section of the Tokyo International Film Festival, the robot stays loyal to its owner - played by Bryerly Long - as the nation evacuates following a nuclear disaster.

  这部影片现身于东京国际电影节的竞赛单元。影片中,核事故导致全国居民疏散,期间机器人却一直对主人(Bryerly Long饰)不离不弃。

  Fukada said working with the android was easier than directing people, although he said laugh he had to watch to not break the robot as its repairs would come with a 10 million yen bill.


  'The android doesn't complain, never gets hungry and doesn't need to sleep at all,' he said at the film festival office.


  Sayonara opens in Japan on November 21. Overseas screenings are undecided.



  android: 机器人

  aftermath: 后果;余波

  end credits: 影片末尾的演员表


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