


2017/08/13 19:48:39 编辑: 浏览次数:193 移动端

  1.Expect the unexpected


  The first and most importantthing I learned from my experience was to expect the unexpected. You never knowwhat is going to happen when you are traveling. When you are an inexperiencedtraveler, you are immediately thrown into a situation where you do not alwaysknow what to do. It’s easy to become anxious when you don’t know what is comingup next, but I learned to just be patient and let things unfold. For instance,you can be sure that things will never go as you planned them. Flights will bedelayed, some of your luggage might get confiscated, or you might not knowwhere your next meal is coming from. Be prepared financially for unexpectedthings, because you will probably spend more money than you planned on.


  2.Relax and Have Fun


  Experienced travelers learn veryquickly to adapt to new situations and new environments. It may be easy toforget that you are there to relax and enjoy yourself. Relaxation is one of thetop benits of travel. Be sure to make time each day to just sit, take in theview and unwind from all your sightseeing activities. It can be excitingexploring new places and taking it all in. I also recommend talking to as manypeople as you can, because you are thrown together with them (usually in theclose quarters of a plane, train or bus). Just enjoy wherever you are, and takethings in as they happen. Be open to meeting new people and having new experienceswherever you go. You will learn unexpected things that way. So, you might aswell relax wherever you are, and have a good time, especially when things donot go as planned, like if you become stranded at a large airport for hours onend with nothing to do but wait.


  3.Learn to be spontaneous


  Being spontaneous is an art thatmust be acquired. Not everyone can do it, so traveling is a good way to learnthe skill. You will find yourself in new and changing situations with nopredictable outcome. You will see things in other countries that you do notexpect. Some things you will enjoy and others will make you uncomfortable. Thatis because you are thrown outside of your normal routine, so you are naturallyout of your comfort zone, and completely away from all the people (or most) ofthe people you know and talk to everyday. When circumstances force you tochange your plans, the best thing is just to go with the flow and do whateverseems logical. I guarantee that most days will be different than anything youcan image ahead of time.


  4.Enjoy new people


  Being in new countries and aroundstrangers all the time can be stressful and it will make you feel like you areon another planet. It can make you uncomfortable because you don’t know anyone.And, there might be barriers to communication, like when everyone around youspeaks another language, that you do not know.


  Here is where you must simplytrust in people. Have faith that most people you meet will be pleasant to dealwith. If you are in a country where Americans are treated well, you should beok going anywhere. Your attitude is the most important thing when you meet newpeople. You may not be able to understand them, but there are ways tocommunicate that don’t require words. You will gain the most if you just showthem respect as human beings. Learn how to enjoy being around new people anddon’t be afraid to talk to them.


  5.Live in the moment


  Most people are used to doing thesame routine in their lives, day in and day out. We get used to our jobs, ourfriends, and our usual places that we go for fun. Traveling takes you away fromall that. It throws you up on a beach like a fish out of water. But, this is agood thing. Why? Because it makes you feel more alive. You learn to trust yourinstincts in a new situation and allow yourself to just appreciate each momentfor what it is. You take a deep breath by the sea, you walk baroot on thebeach, you see things you have never seen bore and it wakes you up, as if therest of your life was a dream. When you learn to be in the moment of right now,you are more aware of everything going on around you. You are more observant.You see and experience the newness of each day.


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