


2017/08/13 19:48:08 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:343 移动端


  Born into the age of the flapper, growing up with the frugality of wartime and witnessing the advent of the miniskirt, the Queen has lived through ten different decades of fashion.


  For her own part, Elizabeth II is estimated to have worn well over 10,000 outfits to official engagements over her lifetime, created by a series of dedicated designers.


  Now a trio of exhibitions by the Royal Collection Trust to mark the monarch's 90th birthday will put more than 150 different outfits on display to the public.

  为庆祝女王90岁寿辰,英国皇家收藏信托(Royal Collection Trust)将举办三场展览,向公众展出女王150多套不同服装。

  The largest ever exhibition of the Queen's wardrobe, Fashioning a Reign: 90 Years of Style from The Queen's Wardrobe will bring together childhood fancy dress costumes, military regalia and glamorous ceremonial dresses.

  此次展览名为“时尚一世:女王90年穿衣之道(Fashioning a Reign: 90 Years of Style from The Queen's Wardrobe),将是史上规模最大的女王服装展。展览将呈现女王童年时期的剧服、阅兵服以及华丽的礼服。

  The three displays will each have a distinct theme. The fancy dress costumes worn by the young Princess Elizabeth at wartime family pantomimes will be on show at Windsor Castle from September 2016 alongside dazzling evening gowns and smart official clothes.

  三场展览都主题鲜明。温莎城堡(Windsor Castle)的展览将于2016年9月举办,展出二战时期伊丽莎白公主出演家庭童话剧时所穿的剧服。此次展览还会展出女王令人炫目的晚礼服和干练的正装。

  It is not known yet which pantomime costumes will be included, but the Queen and her younger sister, the late Princess Margaret, appeared on stage in their youth in a number of shows including Aladdin and Cinderella, where Elizabeth played the role of Prince Florizel.


  She was once again given the male part in a performance of Sleeping Beauty in 1942, where Margaret was Fairy Thistledown and her elder sister Prince Salvador.


  The focus at the Palace of Holyroodhouse will be tartan, tracking the use of the pattern in royal dress over the years. The exhibition at the Edinburgh residence will open on 21 April 2016, the day the Queen turns 90.

  荷里路德宫(Palace of Holyroodhouse)的展览将围绕花格图案进行,向人们展现历年来皇家礼服所用花格图案的历史变迁。这场将在女王的爱丁堡宅邸举行的展览将于2016年4月21日开幕,也就是女王90大寿当天。

  The flagship exhibition at Buckingham Palace will display the full the sartorial spectrum of the Queen's life, from early childhood to her wedding and coronation clothes and special ensembles put together for State Visits. The display will coincide with the summer opening of the state rooms at the palace from August next year.

  最为盛大的展览将在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)举行。这场展览将完整地展出女王一生的服装剪裁变迁,从幼年着装到婚礼礼服,从加冕时所穿的礼服到为专门为国事访问设计的套装。这场展览将于2016年8月开幕,与白金汉宫的国事厅夏季对外开放的时间一致。

  Known for her brightly coloured outfits, the Queen once remarked, "I can never wear beige because nobody will know who I am".


  For the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge she wore a sunny yellow dress with sunray beading at the neckline, while at her great-grandson's christening she opted for a sky blue shade.


  The Queen is estimated to have completed around 25,000 royal engagements in her lifetime, although some of these involved repeated outfits.





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