


2017/08/13 19:46:17 编辑: 浏览次数:411 移动端



  比如“lim kopi”(喝咖啡)一词,“lim”是闽南语的“喝”,“kopi”是马来语的“咖啡”,“lim kopi”就是二者的结合。

  一个非常焦虑的人会被称为“kancheong spider”(焦虑的蜘蛛)。“kancheong”是粤语中“焦虑”的意思,这个词会让人联想到一只蜘蛛惊慌失措团团转的场面。

  当你遇到无法忍受的情况,可以大喊一声:“Buay tahan!”(不能忍了!)“buay”是闽南语“不能”的意思,“tahan”是马来语“忍受”的意思。


  比如,“reverse”(倒车)被改成了“gostan”,来源于航海术语“go astern”(后退)。这个词提醒新加坡人,新加坡曾是英国的一个港口。



  “I got the cat lah”(我抓到猫lah!)是肯定语气,表示你抓到了这只猫。“I got the cat meh?”(我抓到猫meh?)则为困惑语气,表示你可能把猫丢了。


  比如,“Like that”(像这样)在新加坡式英语里的写法是“liddat”。

  20世纪90年代,情景喜剧角色“Phua Chu Kang”葛米星使得“Don't play play”这句话开始流行起来,大概意思是“别来烦我”。新加坡式英语中,更精确的书写形式是“Donch pray pray”。

  困惑了吗?Donch get kancheong(别着急)。

  在新加坡多呆点时间,you sure get it lah(你一定能学好的lah)!


  1. Shiok

  Ecstasy? Delicious? Pleasurable? How about just Shiok.


  2. Cheem

  Difficult? Confounding? Confusing? Complex? Perplexing? Bewildering? Cheem or cheemanology can replace all of those.


  3. Jialat

  Deep shit? Tiring? Arduous? In trouble? Something’s very bad? Life is hard? All very jialat. Like the weather, it’s quite jialat nowadays.


  4. Abuthen

  Ask stupid questions and you get stupid answers. Sometimes you just get an ‘abuthen?’


  5. Agaration

  How much salt to put into your cooking? Agar agar. Nothing is more inaccurate yet precise than agaration.

  做饭要放多少盐?Agar agar就够了。

  6. Hoot

  Hoot can mean beat, buy or bet.

  “Don’t piss me off! If not I will hoot you then you know”

  “Did you go to the shopping centre? What did you hoot?”

  “Tonights match between Holland and Chile, which team will you hoot?”





  7. Basket

  The British use it as a euphemism for ‘bastard’. We use it as a substitute for ‘bastard’, ‘s**t’ and ‘crap’.


  8. Cannot make it

  Not up to the task, utterly useless, not bound for success, unable to attend. All cannot make it.

  任务完不成,毫无用处,注定失败,不能出席,都可以用cannot make it表示。

  9. Corright

  Righter than right. Corright or corwrong?


  10. I don’t know you / How I know you

  Instead of “How should I know why you 1) choose to be such an idiot; 2) did not listen to me in the first place; 3)took a wrong turn”, you can just use “I don’t know you” or “How I know you” which is quicker, less confrontational, and can be used for limitless scenarios to push blame.

  事后推卸责任用这个最有效啦!比如:我怎么知道你会这么白痴;一开始不听我的;拐错弯。一句I don’t know you或者How I know you,说起来更溜,不会那么有正面冲突的感觉,简直是万能句。

  11. Earlier never say / Never say earlier

  The perfect come back line for people who like to give 20/20 hindsight comments or horse-behind-cannon remarks.


  12. Yaya Papaya

  When conceited, proud, arrogant just does not quite adequately describe that person, you can always call them yaya papaya and people will understand.


  13. Talk cock

  Some smart alec will say ‘There is a perfect equivalent in English! It’s ‘bullshit’. It’s shorter too.”


  14. Steady

  It could just mean yes, or it could be awesome. It could even mean asking someone to be your girlfriend/boyfriend.


  15. Ponteng

  Skip school? That’s playing truant. Skip work? That’s called skiving. Skip ICT? That’s called AWOL. Or for Singaporeans it’s just ponteng school, ponteng work, ponteng reservist.


  16. Your head

  I have no idea how to explain this. Just…. your head ah!


  17. Han nah / Yah lah

  When someone nags you too much, this is the best response to get them off your back. The more Han Nahs / Yah Lahs the more irritated you are.

  有人老找你茬、对你挑三拣四的时候,就可以用Han nah或Yah lah来回应。你用的频率越高,说明你越不耐烦。

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