


2017/08/13 19:44:45 编辑: 浏览次数:223 移动端


  Dickies could be the answer to all your winter woes. For those of you unfamiliar with the dickie (also spelled dickey or dicky), it's a type of false shirt-front that was originally intended to be worn with a tuxedo. Since its inception it has transformed, and today many wear it underneath shirts, giving the appearance that you're layering a shirt overtop of a turtleneck.

  冬季所有的苦恼都可以让几副“假领”帮你解决。 Dickie(有时也拼作dickey或dicky)是一种假的衬衫前襟,最初是为了配合穿燕尾服而发明的。之后,这种衬衫假领也进行了转型,如今,这种假领已演变成高领形状,人们多将其穿在衬衫下面,让人以为你是在衬衫底下穿了件高领衫。

  Dickie原指小孩的围嘴,或者衬衫的前襟;车上的“折叠加座”也可以用dickie或者dickie seat表示。

  Not only will this trend keep your neck cozy during the cool months, but it will add extra warmth without creating extra bulk -- you won't get exceedingly hot because you won't have to wear tons of layers to get the layering fect. Some of the designers and stores have started carrying them, and we have a feeling that it's only a matter of time bore they become a closet staple.


  毕竟,大热美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)里的主角之一Howard都在用呢。Check this out.


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